YouTube/Chef koplak Channel

Old school teapots are usually covered in burnt spots on the bottom or bottom, because they have been used for years.

  7 Juni 2024 22:00 - Boiling water to use as a stock of hot water in the kitchen has been a habit for many people for a long time. The reason is, quite a few people have a hobby of drinking hot tea or coffee every day. On the other hand, there are also those who save the hot water for bathing or just washing their face.

Even though there are many sophisticated water heating machines, there are still a number of people who choose the traditional method of heating water, namely boiling it in a kettle. Well, old school teapots are usually covered in burnt spots on the bottom or bottom, because they have been used for years.

Many people are confused about how to clean it, but if you know the trick, the bottom of a teapot full of burnt crust can become shiny again, you know. One trick, you can rely on citrus or citric acid. This ingredient, which is often found in grocery stores, is known to be high in acid, so it is effective in removing stubborn stains.

However, if you have difficulty getting citrus fruits on the market, don't worry because there is still one more trick from the YouTube account user Chef Koplak Channel. This gentleman explained that he only needed two simple kitchen ingredients to restore the bottom of a burnt teapot to cleanliness again.

How to clean a burnt pan quickly, no need to panic.

Before doing the trick, first wet the bottom of the teapot you want to clean with clean water. Then, prepare a container and fill it with enough dish soap and vinegar. Yup, those are the two main kitchen ingredients to practice this trick to get rid of burnt crust on the bottom of the teapot.

After the two ingredients are put into a container, stir until evenly mixed. Apply the mixture evenly to the bottom of the teapot while rubbing gently with a rough sponge or wire wool. Then, leave the teapot covered in the cleaning agent mixture for a few moments.

"Let the soap soak for a few minutes to loosen the sticky crust," said the owner of the YouTube account Chef Koplak Channel, quoted by BrilioFood on Friday (7/6).

Gentleman's trick to get rid of burnt crust on the bottom of the teapot  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Chef Koplak Channel

After letting it sit for a few minutes, brush the bottom of the teapot until the burnt crust is gone. This brushing process can take a relatively long time if the burnt crust is very thick. However, the results are guaranteed to be shiny again.

Gentleman's trick to get rid of burnt crust on the bottom of the teapot  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Chef Koplak Channel

Finally, if the bottom of the teapot is clean, rinse it immediately with running water and dry it before using it again.
