foto: TikTok/@mass_agga ; TikTok/@punietiwi

Lizards can leave droppings on the floor that are difficult to clean once they dry out.

  13 Maret 2024 15:00 - The appearance of lizards in the house is difficult to avoid. Usually, these animals are attracted to the house because there are food sources, such as insects, small food supplies in the kitchen, and so on. The small body size of the lizard also makes it very easy for this animal to get into the cracks of doors or windows.

If left unchecked, the risk will be that more lizards will enter or cause the area of the house to become dirty quickly. The reason is, lizards can leave dirt on the floor which is difficult to clean once it dries. If you experience this often, from now on you don't need to worry anymore because there are a number of tricks to get rid of lizards.

One of them is that lizards can be eradicated by placing traps. However, for some people, this trick is still not effective enough. Not to mention, if a lizard is caught, not everyone dares to throw away the lizard's carcass. So, if you don't want to use traps, this trick from netizen on the TikTok account @punietiwi seems suitable for you.

How to get rid of lizards.

The woman who is familiarly known as Tiwi explained that lizards can be driven away by relying on one kitchen ingredient, namely garlic . Reporting from, garlic has a strong aroma that lizards don't like. Then, tie the garlic with a rubber band.

Without laying traps, here's a trick to keep your house lizard-free  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@punietiwi

Make sure the garlic doesn't fall easily, then hang it on a door, window or other area in the house where lizards often enter. The owner of the TikTok account @punietiwi explained that he usually leaves the garlic hanging for 1 night.

"Leave it overnight, don't be surprised, the house will be free from lizards," he wrote in a TikTok upload @punietiwi, quoted by BrilioFood on Tuesday (12/3).

Without laying traps, here's a trick to keep your house lizard-free  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@punietiwi

So, even without traps, you can still apply tricks to keep your house lizard-free with simple ingredients, right? Taking a peek at the comments column on @punietiwi's TikTok video which has been watched 894 thousand times, quite a few netizens said they were curious to try how effective this trick was.

Watch on TikTok

How to deal with the stinging feeling after cutting garlic.

Experiencing a painful feeling on the skin after slicing garlic is a common occurrence due to the sulfur compounds contained in it. Here are some tips to reduce the pain.

1. Rinse with cold water.

As soon as you experience pain, rinse the affected skin with cold water. Cold water can help relieve painful sensations and reduce inflammation.

2. Use vinegar or lemon juice.

Apply a little vinegar or lemon juice to the area that feels sore. These two ingredients can help reduce the painful sensation because of their acidic properties which can neutralize the sulfur compounds in garlic.

3. Compress with ice.

Compressing the affected area with ice or an ice pack can help relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

4. Use baking soda paste.

Mix a little baking soda with water to make a paste and apply it to the affected area. Baking soda has neutralizing properties which can help reduce the pain.

5. Apply aloe vera gel.

Aloe vera gel has soothing properties and can help reduce inflammation and reduce the pain of the affected skin.

6. Use moisturizing cream or essential oil.

Apply moisturizing cream or essential oils such as almond oil or lavender oil to the affected area to help reduce inflammation and relieve the painful sensation.

7. Avoid rubbing or scratching the skin.

Rubbing or scratching an area that feels sore will only make it more irritated. As much as possible avoid touching or disturbing the area.
