foto: TikTok/@astiniratnaa

It is believed that a mortar can produce a more delicious and authentic taste of spices, especially if you use a real stone mortar.

  8 April 2024 10:00 - Nowadays, there are many cooking utensils with sophisticated technology for use at home, one of which is a blender. A blender is very helpful for smoothing spices, both yellow spices, balado spices , coriander chicken spices, and so on. Using a blender also makes the cooking process in the kitchen complete more quickly.

However, quite a few people still faithfully use a mortar to grind cooking spices, you know. It is believed that a mortar can produce a more delicious and authentic taste of spices, especially if you use a real stone mortar. This stone mortar is also known to be durable, even for years. No wonder so many people like to use it every day, right?

So, like other kitchen utensils, stone mortars must also be cleaned every time they are used to grind cooking ingredients. Many people still wash them with sponges and soap, even though this method is considered not good, you know.

As explained by TikTok account user @astiniratnaa, washing the mortar with soap is believed to contaminate food ingredients, both in terms of taste and smell, when the mortar is used again later.

"Who still likes washing mortars with soap? Cleaning mortars with soap can leave behind the fragrant smell of laundry soap which causes the food to smell soapy. Apart from that, if you don't rinse it cleanly, soap foam can get trapped in the cavity," he wrote in uploaded on the TikTok account @astiniratnaa, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (8/4).

Instead of using a sponge and soap, this is how to wash a mortar  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@astiniratnaa

How to wash a stone mortar so it's clean and doesn't smell bad.

So, instead of using soap, you just use two kitchen ingredients to clean the stone mortar. First, use a handful of rice. Use a mortar to grind the rice until it is smooth and spreads over the entire surface of the mortar. After that, rinse the mortar with running water.

Instead of using a sponge and soap, this is how to wash a mortar  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@astiniratnaa

It doesn't stop there, you also need one more kitchen ingredient, namely cooking oil. Apply a little cooking oil to the surface of the mortar. After that, rinse again with running water. If so, the mortar can also be drained and dried before storing.

Yup, that's how to wash a stone mortar so it's clean and doesn't smell bad, using rice and cooking oil. As a result, the stone mortar was shiny again.

Instead of using a sponge and soap, this is how to wash a mortar  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@astiniratnaa

How about it, it's really interesting how to wash this stone mortar, isn't it? Taking a peek at @astiniratnaa's TikTok upload, apart from having been watched 1 million times, the comments column is also filled with enthusiasm or other tricks from netizens about cleaning stone mortars.

"Why don't you just use flour, bund," asked TikTok @Zue and got a response from the video owner, " I tried bund at that time, but it wasn't effective."

"BESTie expensive rice ," said TikTok @LaiLy Noer and replied, "Can be replaced with coarse salt ."

"or use grated coconut, bun," added TikTok @w.

@astiniratnaa Who still likes washing mortars with soap? Cleaning mortars with soap can leave behind the fragrant smell of laundry soap which causes the food to smell soapy. Apart from that, if you don't rinse it cleanly, soap foam can get trapped in the cavity. Here are tips for cleaning. Mortar Use rice and cooking oil. Apart from rice, you can also use coarse salt to clean the mortar #tips #tipsandtricks #fyp # Cleanbisakok # Bersihbisakok #easytips original voice - astiniratna - Astiniratna

How to differentiate between real and fake stone mortars.

Differentiating between real and fake stone mortars can be a difficult task especially if you don't have enough experience or knowledge in this matter. However, there are several things you can pay attention to to help you differentiate between the two.

1. Material.

Real stone mortars are usually made from natural stone that comes from nature, such as granite or lava stone. Fake stone mortars are often made from synthetic materials or artificial stone.

2. Texture and color.

Real stone mortars tend to have a rough texture and are not very flat. The color of real stone can also vary depending on the type of stone, ranging from gray, brown, to green or red. Fake stoneware often has a finer texture and the color may be too uniform or "too perfect."

3. Heavy.

Real stone mortars are usually heavier than fake stone mortars because natural stone tends to be denser. Fake stone mortars may feel lighter due to the synthetic or artificial materials used.

4. The sound.

When you tap a real stone mortar with a metal object, it usually produces a mature and loud sound. Fake rock shakers may produce a more dead or less resonant sound.

5. Natural details.

Genuine stone mortars usually have natural details such as inclusions, small cracks, or small imperfect scratches. Fake stone mortars tend to look more perfect without these natural details.

6. Feeling when used.

When you use it to grind food, a real stone mortar usually gives a different sensation than a fake one. Real stone mortars may provide rougher, longer-lasting friction.

7. Price.

Real stone mortars are usually more expensive than fake ones because of the natural raw materials and manufacturing process.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.