foto: YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

Easy to practice yourself.

  17 Februari 2024 15:30 - Nowadays, rice cookers have many functions. This tool can not only be used to cook rice, but also steam cakes, cook dim sum, make fried rice, and so on. Because it is often used for cooking, a lot of crust can automatically appear on several parts of this tool.

Apart from that, rice cookers that are frequently used can also emit an unpleasant musty aroma. Well, if it's like this, sometimes the rice cooked in it can absorb that unpleasant aroma, you know. That's why it's important to clean the rice cooker regularly so that it is free of crust and musty odors.

There are many ways to clean a rice cooker, for example by applying toothpaste, then brushing it until clean. However, unlike netizens on the YouTube account @Gianola Vlog, this woman admits that she has another, no less effective way to make a rice cooker shine and smell free, namely using two simple ingredients.

"If you do it (the cleaning process) regularly, it is guaranteed that your rice cooker will last and not smell musty," said the netizen familiarly called Gianola, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube @Gianola Vlog on Saturday (17/2).

A simple way to clean a rice cooker

First, remove several removable components of the rice cooker, such as the inside of the lid, steam valve, and steam reservoir. These removable components can be washed like normal dishwashing.

Meanwhile, for areas that cannot be removed, you can use a mixture of warm water and lemon or citric acid. This citrus is one of the main ingredients for practicing how to clean crust and musty smells in rice cookers.

Mix the two ingredients in a container, then rub all dirty parts of the rice cooker using a cloth or an old toothbrush.

Without smearing it with toothpaste, this is how to clean crust and musty smells  YouTube

photo: YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

Gianola explained that sometimes there is still burnt crust and an unpleasant aroma left at the bottom of the rice cooker, so you need one more ingredient to clean it, namely dishwashing soap. To do this, simply apply a little dish soap to the sponge, then rub it on the bottom of the rice cooker.

After the stain and smell have disappeared, immediately wipe the base of the rice cooker using a clean, dry cloth or tissue. Also wipe the cloth or tissue over all parts of the rice cooker that have been cleaned so that they are dry before using this tool again.

Without smearing it with toothpaste, this is how to clean crust and musty smells  YouTube

photo: YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

Wow, the results are really shiny, aren't they? So, even without toothpaste, this method of cleaning scale and musty smells in a rice cooker is really practical, right? Taking a peek at @Gianola Vlog's YouTube upload which has been watched 154 thousand times, quite a few netizens have left enthusiastic comments, you know.

"Is it safe for the inside to get soap on the inside, sis? Because I saw my mom cleaning Magic com, she never washed it with a sponge with soap, it never got in contact with water, I just wiped it dry," wrote YouTube @ryuji9409 and received a reply from the video owner, "Use "Just enough dishwashing soap, bro, just to remove the dirt that is already attached, but wipe it straight away with a damp cloth and then wipe it until it's completely dry."

"How do I take the lid off? I opened the bolt, but I couldn't pry it off," said YouTube @samtalitha and replied, "Sorry Sis, mine is the Domo brand so it's easy to open, maybe your sister's brand is a different brand. Just look in the instruction manual."

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.