
If you care for it incorrectly, the chili plants will dry out and die.

  14 Juni 2024 10:00

Brilio.net - There are various plants that can be planted in your yard . One of them is the chili plant. When this plant grows and bears fruit, you can harvest it and then use it in cooking mixtures.

However, there are still many beginners who are confused about how to care for chili plants so they grow well. Not without reason, if the method is not right, the chili plants will dry out and die, you know.

So, to grow well, chili plants can be given fertilizer regularly. One fertilizer that is often used for chili plants is salt. Just sprinkle salt on the chili plant planting medium evenly.

But to maximize the nutrition your chili plants get, you can replace the salt with other ingredients. Just like what Instagram user @infarm.id did. It can be seen in the video upload that this netizen mixed fertilizer for his chili plants without adding the slightest salt.

How to fertilize chili trees so that the fruit grows abundantly.

As reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @infarm.id on Friday (14/6), the main ingredients for making fertilizer are heads and other innards such as catfish bones and scales. Immediately hit the catfish's head using a pestle.

"Smash it so that all the elements come out," he said.

chili plants bear heavy fruit with catfish heads  2024 brilio.net

photo: Instagram/@infarm.id

Once done, put the crushed catfish head in a container containing 2 liters of water. Then also pour in 30 ml of EM4 liquid. Stir until all ingredients are evenly mixed.

chili plants bear heavy fruit with catfish heads  2024 brilio.net

photo: Instagram/@infarm.id

It didn't stop there, the Instagram account user also added 1 piece of combed palm sugar. So, the two additional kitchen ingredients in question are catfish heads and palm sugar. Stir, close the container tightly, and let sit for 3 weeks.

chili plants bear heavy fruit with catfish heads  2024 brilio.net

photo: Instagram/@infarm.id

After letting it sit for 3 weeks, open the lid of the container. The fertilizer you make can be used straight away. To do this, mix 20 ml of liquid fertilizer into 1 liter of water. Stir until evenly mixed.

chili plants bear heavy fruit with catfish heads  2024 brilio.net

photo: Instagram/@infarm.id

If so, pour the liquid onto the chili plants. Carry out the process of watering this fertilizer regularly so that the chili plants can produce maximum fruit.

Reporting from jomangkab.go.id, the amino acid content in catfish heads can be the most needed nutrient for plants. Because the nutrients are met, the plants will produce fruit in large quantities and with good quality.
