foto: YouTube/Saim Attiq Official

Instead of rushing to buy a new one, it's better to try something that can be repaired or cleaned again, right?

  14 Juni 2024 07:00 - Padlocks are mostly used to lock fences or house doors. Well, often, padlocks are left exposed to rain and direct sunlight so this tool easily rusts. Rust on the padlock risks making this tool jammed and difficult to use.

When this happens, many people choose to buy a new padlock and throw away the rusty padlock. In fact, old rusty locks can still be cleaned so they shine again, you know. The trick for cleaning rust stains on padlocks was shared by YouTube account user Saim Attiq Official.

After investigating, you can practice this trick for cleaning rust stains that cause jammed locks with the addition of one kitchen ingredient. So, if you try this trick, later you won't have to dig into your pockets to buy a new padlock again.

Tools and materials for cleaning rust stains that cause jammed locks .

Before starting the trick for cleaning padlocks using kitchen ingredients, you have to prepare one tool first, namely sandpaper. Rub the rusty padlock with sandpaper for a few moments until the rust stains fall off.

Tricks for cleaning rust stains that cause jammed locks  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Saim Attiq Official

After all the rust spots that can be reached have fallen off, then prepare a pan to boil clean water. Wait until the water boils, then insert the padlock into it. So, the process of boiling the lock will help remove any remaining rust that remains.

If the padlock has entered the cooking water, then add 1 teaspoon of salt. Boil for a few minutes until the water boils again. Then, turn off the stove and let the padlock soak for 2 hours.

Tricks for cleaning rust stains that cause jammed locks  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Saim Attiq Official

Finally, lift and dry the padlock before using it again. The owner of the YouTube account, Saim Attiq Official, shows the condition of his padlock after boiling it. You can see that the results are much shinier and free of rust spots, right?

Tricks for cleaning rust stains that cause jammed locks  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Saim Attiq Official
