
This kitchen spice is an important key that makes cooking more delicious and savory.

  23 Agustus 2024 09:00

Brilio.net - Salt is a very important kitchen spice. This kitchen spice is an important key that makes cooking more delicious and savory. Its presence not only enriches the taste, but also helps balance and strengthen other flavors in the dish. From adding flavor to soup to being a basic ingredient in food preservation, salt is an irreplaceable element in everyday cooking.

However, storing it can be challenging . One common problem is that salt clumps during storage. This clumping occurs because salt is hygroscopic, meaning it readily absorbs moisture from its surroundings. When moisture enters the salt container, the salt crystals clump together, making it harder to spread evenly.

Then to prevent this, salt needs to be stored properly. If you are confused, you can imitate the method used by TikTok user @raline_novi in storing salt. Through one of the videos uploaded, she admitted to relying on one food ingredient when storing salt.

As reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @raline_novi on Thursday (22/8), the food ingredient in question is rice. Yup, although not popular, rice has the ability to absorb moisture without changing its texture. That way, the moisture that is still in the container containing salt will be absorbed into the rice, so that the salt does not clump.

Tricks to prevent salt from clumping  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@raline_novi

How to store it, just prepare a container. Then put in a little rice until it covers the bottom of the container. If so, then pour in the salt you want to store. Then close it tightly.

Tricks to prevent salt from clumping  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@raline_novi

When storing salt, it's best to be away from the stove, OK? Salt can absorb moisture from the air, and if it is too close to the stove, the hot steam and moisture produced can cause the salt to clump or become damp. It can also affect the taste and texture of the salt. By storing it in a dry, cool place, the salt remains dry and easy to use.

Tricks to prevent salt from clumping  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@raline_novi

In addition to the stove, avoid storing salt near the sink so that it does not clump. Also, store it in an airtight container to prevent moisture from entering from the outside. Choose a container that is completely sealed.

Another trick that can be done when storing salt is to avoid placing it in a place that is exposed to direct heat. Not without reason, sunlight has a high heat temperature that can increase humidity and make salt clump faster. On the other hand, occasionally check the salt to make sure there are no lumps. Stir the salt with a clean spoon if necessary to maintain its consistency.
