Still best used for bathing, cleaning the body.

  8 Februari 2024 14:00 - Many bath soaps on the market are usually divided into two types, namely bar bath soap and liquid soap. Between the two, many people prefer liquid soap because it is considered fun and easier to use than bar soap. Unfortunately, the price of liquid soap tends to be more expensive than bar soap.

Instead of having to dig into their pockets to keep buying liquid soap, many people rack their brains to solve this problem. One way is to change bar soap into liquid textured soap . However, usually this mixture is made with the addition of baking soda. So, baking soda is used to make liquid soap work more optimally in removing blemishes on the skin.

However, instead of using baking soda, you can also rely on other kitchen ingredients to make the soap texture thicker, you know.

A YouTube user DIY CRAFT RHENEY once shared a simple method for turning bar soap into liquid soap. Instead of using baking soda, he actually uses another kitchen ingredient which is more effective in removing stains and keeps the liquid soap foamy.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube DIY CRAFT RHENEY on Thursday (8/2), the kitchen ingredient in question is salt. However, before adding salt, there are a number of steps that need to be done so that the soap which was originally solid becomes more liquid.

To do this, just prepare a bar of soap that is still new or dry. After that, grate the bar soap and collect the results on a plate. Do this grating process until you run out of bar soap.

how to turn bar soap into liquid soap  YouTube


After that, prepare water in a pan and boil until hot. When it's hot, put the grated bar of soap in hot water. Keep stirring until it boils and dissolves completely in the water.

how to turn bar soap into liquid soap  YouTube


When the soap has dissolved, turn off the stove heat. Then stir continuously until the temperature cools slightly. Then at this stage, add salt to taste (around 1 tablespoon). According to this YouTube user, table salt can make this liquid soap thicker, you know.

how to turn bar soap into liquid soap  YouTube


After adding the salt, stir again until it dissolves and is evenly mixed. If it is mixed evenly, the texture of the soap will be thicker, you know. So, after that, you can immediately transfer the soap into a bottle to make it easier to use for bathing.

"The results are more or less the same as other liquid bath soaps," explained YouTube DIY CRAFT RHENEY.

how to turn bar soap into liquid soap  YouTube


This post about how to change bath soap has been viewed more than 292 thousand times. It's not surprising that many other YouTube users are interested and provide responses directly via the comments column. Most of these netizens admitted that the video was very useful to imitate.

"You can really try this tip, so if you run out of liquid soap, you can also make it from bar soap. Thanks for sharing this useful information," said YouTube @GadoGadoReak.

"Alhamdulillah, thanks for the knowledge, it's great to get accurate knowledge, if you're short of liquid bath soap, you can make it yourself," said YouTube @joepai6735.

"Thank you for the tutorial... I'll try it later so I can make a lot," said YouTube @dwikdl86.

"Wow, that's cool... it can be really easy if you run out of liquid soap. When you're far from the supermarket... thank you, darling," said YouTube @Maeen-mf5uz.

"Thank you, the recipe is perfect for saving money on shopping hehehe, my murmer bar soap," said YouTube @liantyomay7553.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.