foto: TikTok/@zuriaty_musa

Yellow stains and odors in the armpits of clothes are sometimes difficult to remove.

  23 Agustus 2024 08:00 - Someone can emit an unpleasant odor from their armpits or often called armpit odor. Especially if the person is active all day, the odor must be quite pungent. The aroma from the armpits can be stubborn on clothes, you know.

In addition to odor, sweat also risks causing the underarms of clothes to turn yellowish. Yellow stains and odors in the underarms of clothes can be difficult to remove even after washing with detergent . Well, if you experience this, don't worry because there is a trick from TikTok account user @zuriaty_musa that you can try at home.

Tricks to get rid of yellow stains and odors in the armpits of clothes  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@zuriaty_musa

This Malaysian netizen explained that you can rely on two kitchen ingredients to remove stubborn yellow stains and odors from your underarms. Before trying the trick, prepare a container and spoon to mix the ingredients. Then, add enough baking soda and vinegar into the container.

Tricks to get rid of yellow stains and odors in the armpits of clothes  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@zuriaty_musa

Yup, baking soda and vinegar are two main kitchen ingredients to practice the trick of banishing yellow stains and odors in the armpits of clothes. Not only that, the netizen familiarly called Zuriaty also added a little soap. Use liquid soap so that the mixture of ingredients is easy to stir.

Tricks to get rid of yellow stains and odors in the armpits of clothes  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@zuriaty_musa

After all the ingredients are mixed well, apply it directly to the underarm area of the shirt. Then, let it sit for a while so that the mixture of baking soda, vinegar, and soap can be absorbed.

"Let him be like this for a few minutes," said TikTok account owner @zuriaty_musa, quoted by BrilioFood on Friday (23/8).

Once it has been left, scrub the armpit area of the shirt with a small brush or an old toothbrush. After that, just wash the clothes as usual or with a washing machine. So, how about it, are you interested in proving whether this trick to get rid of yellow stains and odors in the armpits of clothes is effective?
