foto: YouTube/sobat dapur

It turns out that the quality of the chicken used can affect the results of the cooked chicken opor, you know.

  9 April 2024 18:00 - There are many typical Indonesian dishes that are usually served during Eid, one of which is chicken opor. This food, which is identical to coconut milk sauce, has a delicious and savory taste. Well, the main ingredient of this dish is chicken. The type of chicken can be adjusted to suit your taste.

However, it turns out that the quality of the chicken used can affect the results of the cooked chicken opor, you know. Not only that, if the processing method is not correct, the resulting chicken opor will actually taste bland and go stale quickly. If it's like this, you can't enjoy chicken opor anymore, right?

To avoid failure, you can imitate the method of making chicken opor shown by YouTube users, kitchen friends. In his video upload, this netizen shared a recipe and tutorial for making chicken opor that is delicious, tasty and doesn't go bad quickly. No kidding, chicken opor still tastes delicious even if it's been stored for 3 days, you know.

Easy trick to cook chicken opor so it doesn't go stale in 3 days.

The first step, first fry 8 cloves of shallots, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 thumb of turmeric, and 5 candlenuts until wilted. While waiting, grind 1/2 teaspoon coriander, 1/2 teaspoon pepper, and 1/2 teaspoon cumin. Once done, add the ingredients you previously fried into the mortar. Puree.

Chicken opor doesn't go stale in 3 days  2024

photo: YouTube/kitchen buddies

Once done, saut the ground spices in hot cooking oil. Don't forget to also add 2 bay leaves, 2 lime leaves, galangal and 2 lemongrass stalks. Once fragrant, pour 1 liter of water into the pan. If so, then add the pieces of 1 egg laying chicken.

"The advantage of this type of egg chicken is that it tastes more delicious and it doesn't fall apart when reheated many times. "Let's put it in, we'll cover it first," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube, kitchen friends, Tuesday (9/4).

Chicken opor doesn't go stale in 3 days  2024

photo: YouTube/kitchen buddies

After the asat has been boiled, add 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 1/2 teaspoons of stock powder, 1/2 stick of brown sugar, and 1 liter of coconut milk into the pan, stir. Cook the chicken opor until it boils and the chicken is perfectly cooked.

Chicken opor doesn't go stale in 3 days  2024

photo: YouTube/kitchen buddies

Once it's boiling, the chicken opor can be served straight away. Because we use an old type of laying hen, the texture of the meat doesn't fall apart quickly. As a result, if you store it and reheat it many times, the chicken opor will still taste good and won't fall apart. It remains delicious for up to 3 days. Tempting, right?

Chicken opor doesn't go stale in 3 days  2024

photo: YouTube/kitchen buddies

How to store chicken opor so it doesn't go bad quickly.

Here are some tips for storing chicken opor so they don't go bad quickly.

1. Store in a tight container.

After you cook the chicken opor, make sure to store it in a tight and airtight container. A good container is one that has a tight lid or rubber lid to prevent air from entering and accelerating damage.

2. Refrigerate quickly.

After the chicken opor has cooled slightly at room temperature, immediately store it in the refrigerator to prevent the growth of bacteria that can cause food spoilage. Make sure the temperature in the refrigerator is kept at a safe temperature, usually below 4 degrees Celsius.

3. Consume within a reasonable time.

Try to consume chicken opor within a relatively short time, usually within 3-4 days after cooking. The longer it is stored, the greater the chance that chicken opor will lose its original taste and texture.

4. Proper separation and storage.

If you have larger portions of chicken opor than you can consume at one time, consider separating the portions that will not be consumed immediately and storing them in separate containers. This can help extend the shelf life of the main chicken opor by avoiding frequent opening of the storage container.

5. Safe warming.

When reheating chicken opor, make sure to warm it up properly. Avoid leaving food at room temperature for a long time before reheating. Heat the chicken opor to a safe temperature before consuming it.

By following the tips above, you can extend the shelf life of chicken opor and maintain its quality so that it doesn't go bad quickly.
