Instagram/@christinefebrianita ; TikTok/@prasticadiny

Anyone who smells the aroma of this dish's broth is guaranteed to want to eat it straight away.

  1 Juli 2024 14:00 - Miso soup or miso soup is a typical Japanese dish. Generally, miso soup is made with miso seasoning or fermented soybean paste. This fresh and savory soup dish can be made with various fillings, from tofu, shellfish, and wakame or seaweed.

Well, one of the famous fast food restaurants in Indonesia that serves this miso soup menu is HokBen. Hokben miso soup is still one of this restaurant's mainstay menu. Certainly because the taste suits people's tongues. The broth in Hokben miso soup is famous for its savory, fresh taste and fragrant aroma. Anyone who smells the aroma of this dish's broth is guaranteed to want to eat it straight away .

The problem is, buying miso soup at a restaurant can drain your wallet. So you don't waste money, you can make your own Hokben-style miso soup at home. Now there are lots of miso soup recipes out there that you can copy.

Instead of being confused, here BrilioFood collected from various sources, 5 simple Hokben-style miso soup recipes on Monday (1/7).

1. Hokben style egg miso soup.

Hokben style miso soup recipe  2024

photo: Instagram/@liarufio

- 100 gr white tofu, cut into small cubes
- A pinch of dry wakame or dried seaweed
- 1 tbsp miso paste
- 1 sachet of dashi or Japanese fish stock
- 1 spring onion
- 250 ml water

How to make:
1. Boil water, then add dashi.
2. After the water boils, add the tofu.
3. Add strained miso paste. The purpose is to filter it so it doesn't clump when cooked.
4. Finally add the dry wakame. Stir briefly until fluffy, then remove from heat.
5. Serve with spring onions.

2. Hokben style seaweed miso soup.

Hokben style miso soup recipe  2024

photo: Instagram/@christinefebrianita

Dashi or stock ingredients:
- 10 grams of dried kombu or black seaweed
- 1.5 liters of boiled water

Material contents:
- 4 pieces of tofu, cut into small cubes
- 25 gr wakame or dried seaweed, cut into small pieces
- 30 gr white miso paste
- 1 spring onion, thinly sliced

How to make:
1. Boil dried kombu with boiled water until it boils. After boiling, reduce the heat and continue to boil over medium low heat for 30 minutes.
2. Once the kombu stock is ready, remove the kombu because you won't need to use it anymore.
3. Cook the soup until it boils over medium heat, then add the cut tofu and wakame or dried seaweed. Let the wakame expand in the cooking water.
4. Once the wakame has risen completely, add the spring onions and miso paste. Taste test, if it's not salty enough, you can add salt or miso paste.

3. Simple Hokben style miso soup.

Hokben style miso soup recipe  2024

photo: TikTok/@alfi_homeliving

- 1 tsp dashi powder
- 1 white tofu, cut into small pieces
- 1 spring onion, cut into small pieces
- 1.5 tbsp miso paste

How to make:
1. Heat a pan filled with water. Then add dashi powder and 1.5 tablespoons of miso paste.
2. When it's hot, add the tofu, cook until the tofu is cooked.
3. Then add the onion pieces, so they smell fragrant.
4. Stir and the miso soup is ready to be served in a bowl.

4. Hokben style homemade miso soup.

Hokben style miso soup recipe  2024

photo: TikTok/@makankuduenak

- Sesame oil
- 4 silken tofu, cut into small pieces
- 4 red onions, sliced
- 3 garlic, sliced
- Green onions to taste
- 2 sachets of dashi powder
- 1-2 tablespoons soy sauce
- Pepper
- 700 ml boiled water

How to make:
1. Heat a pan, add oil, then saute the garlic until fragrant.
2. Add the sauted spring onions again. Add water, add dashi powder.
3. Then add soy sauce and add the tofu pieces.
4. Taste test, if it's not salty enough, add soy sauce.
5. When it has boiled, remove from heat and serve in a bowl.

5. Hokben style miso soup.

Hokben style miso soup recipe  2024

photo: TikTok/@prasticadiny

- Sufficient silken tofu, cut into pieces
- 1 spring onion, chopped
- Dashi or fish stock to taste
- Enough miso paste
- Soaked dried seaweed

How to make:
1. Heat a pan filled with water, then add the dashi powder.
2. Add tofu pieces and spring onions.
3. Then add the miso paste.
4. Stir until cooked. Don't forget to taste test.
Finally add the soaked dried seaweed.
5. Miso soup is ready to be enjoyed.
