
Excessive hair styling is one of the causes of brittle and thin hair

  11 April 2024 12:10

Brilio.net - Hair is a crown that needs to be kept healthy so that it remains beautiful and avoids various problems. But unfortunately, maintaining healthy hair is not easy. Many factors actually cause hair to become easily damaged. The most common problems experienced are that they become brittle quickly, have difficulty growing, and fall off easily.

Brittle hair is a condition that occurs when hair follicles weaken, causing them to fall out. This is what makes hair thin and results in baldness. Not without reason, this problem is generally caused by a decline in a person's health, hormonal changes, styling too often (using heating tools and chemical dyes), lack of nutrition, and wrong care.

If it is brittle, hair will have difficulty growing and will look unhealthy. Hair lacks nutrition so its growth is disrupted. This condition is quite disturbing to your appearance because the more hair falls out , the thinner it continues to be. This problem needs to be addressed in the right way.

For example, using growth tonic and other haircare products. Apart from that, you can also use natural ingredients to help thicken your hair and strengthen the roots so they don't fall out easily.

As shared by a TikTok user with the account name @suviastyles on November 22 2022. In that post he shared how to thicken brittle and thin hair using only 2 types of grains. The seeds in question are fenugreek and black seed or black cumin.

2 types of seeds to thicken brittle and thin hair TikTok

photo: TikTok/@suviastyles

"Boost your hair growth with this overnight hair growth spray using fenugreek and black seeds water (Boost your hair growth with this overnight hair growth spray using fenugreek water and black seeds)," wrote the account owner in the caption of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net quoted. from the TikTok account @suviastyles, Thursday (11/4).

Contains fenugreek seeds to treat brittle hair and thicken hair.

Fenugreek seeds or fenugreek seeds are a superfood that has many health and beauty benefits, one of which is maintaining healthy hair. Fenugreek contains vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin D, minerals and fiber. Some of these ingredients are believed to be effective for treating damaged hair.

Reporting from Stylecraze, fenugreek is one of the most effective solutions for treating hair that is difficult to grow and falls out. The way fenugreek works is by strengthening the hair strands down to the roots. Well, apart from keeping hair strong, fenugreek is also effective in stimulating hair growth, thanks to the protein and nicotinic acid content in it.

The benefits of black cumin for thickening and strengthening hair roots.

Black cumin has various ingredients and nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, minerals, antibacterial and antimicrobial which are effective in treating various hair and scalp problems. It's not surprising that these black seeds are effective for growing healthier hair and making it stronger. In fact, this natural ingredient is also effective in preventing the growth of gray hair, you know.

Relying on these two seeds, you can make hair spray to grow and strengthen hair roots. Not only that, this spray made from natural ingredients will also make your hair look more naturally shiny. Here's how to make and use it.


2 types of seeds to thicken brittle and thin hair TikTok

photo: TikTok/@suviastyles

- 2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds
- 2 tablespoons black cumin
- 1 cup of water

How to create and use:

2 types of seeds to thicken brittle and thin hair TikTok

photo: TikTok/@suviastyles

1. Pour fenugreek and black cumin seeds in a container.
2. Grind the two grains until they are like powder (you can mash them or use a blender).
3. Transfer to a heat-proof bowl and pour in the water.
4. Heat over low heat for 5 minutes while continuing to stir.
5. Wait until it boils then turn off the stove.
6. Leave it to cool, then strain it and just take the boiled water.
7. Pour it into a spray bottle to make it easier to use.
8. Spray on the hair roots and scalp thoroughly.
9. Massage gently to make it more absorbed.
10. Leave it overnight then rinse it off in the morning.
11. Do this method regularly 2-3 times a week to get hair that is stronger, free of fallout and grows thickly.

Watch on TikTok
