
The problem of sagging skin does not only occur in people aged 50 years, but also young people

  11 April 2024 11:10

Brilio.net - Experiencing sagging skin and the appearance of various other signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, wrinkles and black spots are normal things experienced by someone aged 50 years. The problem is, at the age of half a century, collagen production in skin tissue has decreased. Even the elastin component is also reduced. It is not surprising that the skin will find it difficult to maintain its firmness and suppleness.

Not only that, at the age of 50, skin regeneration will also slow down. As a result, exposure to sunlight, pollution, weather changes and other free radicals will more easily damage the skin. This damaged skin will make your face age quickly. Even sebum production which decreases with age will also make the skin easily dry or dehydrated.

It should be noted, this problem can also appear in someone who is still young, you know. This is due to various factors such as not maintaining skin moisture, an unhealthy lifestyle, and the effects of stress. Some of these factors can damage the skin barrier and cause the skin to sag quickly.

Having a face that is sagging and full of various signs of aging is quite disturbing to your appearance. It's not surprising that many people want to tighten sagging skin to make it look youthful, fresh and glowing even at the age of 50. One way is to use natural ingredients.

As shared by one of the mothers via her personal TikTok account @kamsworldoffashion35 on October 20 2020. The video contains how to deal with sagging skin using 1 food ingredient . The food ingredient in question is rice. He also added other ingredients, namely yoghurt and honey.

Treat sagging skin using TikTok rice powder

photo: TikTok/@kamsworldoffashion35

"DIY anti-aging rice scrub," wrote the mothers in the description of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net quoted from the TikTok account @kamsworldoffashion35, Thursday (11/4).

Rice content to overcome aging on facial skin.

Rice is a staple food that is high in carbohydrate content. Even so, this food ingredient can also be useful for skin care, you know. One of them is to treat wrinkled skin. Rice is rich in gamma-oryzanol, which is known to protect the skin from damage due to exposure to UV rays from the sun.

Rice also contains antioxidants which can inhibit the activity of elastase or an enzyme that damages elastin. Therefore, rice can help maintain skin elasticity and slow down the occurrence of sagging skin. The vitamin E content in rice is also effective in stimulating collagen formation. This is what will keep facial skin firm and youthful.

Benefits of yoghurt to delay facial sagging.

Reporting from Healthline, Greek yoghurt or plain yoghurt can help moisturize and keep skin firm and free of sagging. This is thanks to the lactic acid content which acts as an antiaging ingredient to maintain skin firmness. Not only that, using yogurt as a facial mask regularly can make your face naturally bright and glowing.

Honey helps make the face firm and free of sagging.

You can also add honey as an ingredient to keep your face firm and free from sagging skin. This natural sweetener is considered capable of stimulating collagen formation thanks to its antioxidant and vitamin E content. Your skin will even feel more moisturized, brighter and supple.

Relying on these three natural ingredients, you can make a facial mask that is believed to be able to overcome various skin aging problems on the face. It's not surprising that this mask can help tighten facial skin and prevent sagging skin. Come on, see how to make and use it below.


Treat sagging skin using TikTok rice powder

photo: TikTok/@kamsworldoffashion35

- 1 tablespoon rice powder (you can grind it using a blender or use rice flour)
- 1 tablespoon plain yoghurt
- 1 tablespoon honey

How to create and use:

Treat sagging skin using TikTok rice powder

photo: TikTok/@kamsworldoffashion35

1. Pour the ingredients into the container.
2. Stir the three until evenly mixed and the texture is like paste.
3. Wash your face first and make sure it is clean of dirt and any remaining makeup that is still attached.
4. Apply the mask to your face thoroughly.
5. Leave it for 10-15 minutes.
6. Rub gently then rinse with water until clean.
7. Continue using moisturizer.
8. Do this method regularly 2-3 times a week to get a face that is 10 years younger even though you are 50 years old.

Watch on TikTok
