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18 Juli 2024 18:00

Instead of baking in the oven, this is a trick for baking Cilembu honey sweet potatoes so they melt without any additional ingredients

Must be Cilembu sweet potato, because this type can produce honey. Ida Setyaningsih

Cilembu sweet potato is a type of sweet potato from Sumedang, West Java which is the favorite of many people. The unique thing about this sweet potato is that it can release natural honey when baked.

The baking process is quite easy. Generally, Cilembu sweet potatoes are baked in the oven until cooked, then these sweet potatoes will release sweet and soft natural honey.

It turns out, there is another trick for baking Cilembu honey sweet potatoes so they melt without an oven or additional ingredients, you know. This trick was shared by the DAPUR MAMAH YouTube account via a video show.

"Cilembu honey sweet potato recipe baked in a pan," he wrote, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube DAPUR MAMAH, Thursday (18/7).


First, prepare the Cilembu sweet potatoes which have been washed clean. The owner of the video also emphasized that the sweet potatoes used must be Cilembu sweet potatoes, OK? Because, only this type of sweet potato can produce honey. "Not all baked sweet potatoes can release honey, guys, so to make honey sweet potatoes, you have to use Cilembu sweet potatoes," he stressed.


After that, cut off both ends of the Cilembu sweet potato. Then also prepare a medium sized frying pan on the stove. He put a bottom on the pan so that it would not be exposed to direct fire. This netizen roasted 1 kg of sweet potatoes, which he arranged in a frying pan.


Turn on the stove to medium low heat. The content owner also does not add any ingredients to the sweet potato bake. Then, cover the Cilembu sweet potatoes with a pan lid covered with cloth. The goal is to prevent steam or water from dripping down. "The cover is covered with cloth so that the steam or water doesn't drip down," he continued.


Let the Cilembu sweet potatoes roast over medium low heat for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, open the lid of the pan and check the doneness of the Cilembu sweet potatoes. If it has turned black or the skin has peeled off, then the Cilembu sweet potato can be turned over so it doesn't burn and it cooks evenly. "Now we check to see if the skin has peeled off or if the color is brownish or blackish, if so, we will return it," said the DAPUR MAMAH YouTube account.


Then cover the Cilembu sweet potatoes again with a layer of cloth. Then, check again 10 minutes later. From the video, it can be seen that Cilembu sweet potatoes are starting to release honey. The owner of this content also admits that he consistently uses fire that tends to be small. "The fire is consistent and tends to be small," he said.


Then, cover again and check again in the 40th minute. Turn the Cilembu sweet potato over so that it cooks evenly. You can see that the Cilembu sweet potato is releasing more and more honey. Then close it again.


10 minutes later or at the 50th minute, check the Cilembu sweet potatoes which are being baked. In the video you can see that the Cilembu sweet potato is ripe, with the characteristic black skin and the honey getting thicker. However, the owner of the video wanted to make the texture of the Cilembu sweet potato more cooked, so he closed it again. "This is actually already cooked, but I want to make it even more cooked," he said.


After 10 minutes or the 60th minute, the sweet potato is perfectly ripe and ready to be lifted. Turn off the stove, and lift the sweet potato into another container, wait for it to cool. Because, cilembu sweet potato turns out to be tastier if enjoyed when it is cold. "Cilembu sweet potatoes taste good when cold, because I think the sweetness will come out more," he continued.


As a result, these honey cilembu sweet potatoes baked without an oven look soft, sweet and melty. Without additional ingredients, Cilembu sweet potatoes are also sticky because the honey comes out. "The texture is really deep, sweet and has melted honey," he continued. It turns out, to bake delicious and sweet Cilembu sweet potatoes, you don't have to use an oven or additional ingredients, OK? Interested in trying?

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