Kiky Saputri , a comedian who is currently expecting her first child, recently shared her unique experience during the first trimester of pregnancy. In a podcast, she revealed that she was surprised by the change in her appetite.
"At first I thought cravings were a hoax, but it turned out to be true. In the first trimester, I didn't like eating meat at all, even seeing meat to eat made me feel nauseous," said Kiky.
In addition to the problem with meat, Kiky also had difficulty drinking water. However, after four months of pregnancy, she began to be able to enjoy water again without feeling nauseous. "Before, I couldn't drink water, I could only drink sweet drinks, like iced sweet tea," she explained.
photo: Instagram/@kikysaputrii
Kiky's craving experience is also quite unique. She only wants simple foods like cilok and rambutan.
"As for food, I only craved meatballs and rambutan. And the worst thing was, I really couldn't eat meat, just looking at the picture made me vomit. So, at that time I could only eat protein from fish," he added.
Interestingly, even though Kiky did not ask for strange foods, her eating habits of often inviting her husband, Muhammad Khairi, to accompany her to eat, had an impact on Khairi's weight, which increased quite significantly.
"He gained 13 kilograms because he often accompanies me to meals," said Kiky with a laugh.
Kiky also shared how sudden her craving for a particular food was. She recalled craving cilok in Bali and being lucky enough to get it.
"Not because I was hungry, but I suddenly wanted cilok while I was in Bali. Thank God, it was a blessing," he concluded with a grateful tone.