foto: TikTok/@moneyrist

This man's efforts were completely unappreciated, even the bouquet craftsman shed tears telling this story.

  19 Juni 2024 12:20 - Building a relationship is not enough with words of love. However, everyone definitely wants real action as a form that the couple loves each other. But unfortunately, the couple's efforts are sometimes considered insufficient, even though the struggle is already so great. This of course causes annoyance for anyone who sees it.

As has recently been widely discussed on social media. By uploading the TikTok account @moneyrist, the account owner shared his experience of receiving orders from customers. However, this time the story was a bit different, where the customer's struggle was not appreciated at all by his partner.

The account owner stated that his customer, who was a man, ordered a bouquet of money totaling IDR 35 million. Most people would see the amount of money as quite large, but not the man's girlfriend.

The sad story of a man who was hurt on TikTok

the sad story of a heartbroken man

"Don't read if you don't want to be hurt," wrote the caption on the upload.

The beginning of the story

Initially, the man intended to give a gift on his lover's birthday. He also ordered a bouquet containing a value of IDR 35 million.

"The sultan's brother ordered a bouquet containing IDR 35 million for his girlfriend's 35th birthday," wrote the video caption.

As seen in this video, the bouquet consists of flowers and IDR 35 million arranged into flowers. Because it was intended as a surprise, this man asked the delivery person to send the bouquet on his girlfriend's birthday.

"And because her sister wanted to prepare a surprise in her apartment (decorating it, etc.), she asked us to help deliver her bouquet on the big day," continued the story in the video description.

The sad story of a man who was hurt on TikTok

the sad story of a heartbroken man

When he arrived at the man's apartment, the officer who sent the bouquet was immediately asked to put it into the apartment. When he entered, it turned out that the man's girlfriend was also inside.

This is where the moment of shattering expectations begins. When the Rp. 35 million bouquet arrived, this man's girlfriend became angry. The girl accused the man who was her lover of being stingy. The reason is, the girl only wanted to get a bouquet containing US dollars instead of Rupiah.

"You're really stingy, aren't you! I already said I wanted the bouquet to be in dollars. Why are you using rupiah?!" said the girl grumbling.

The sad story of a man who was hurt on TikTok

the sad story of a heartbroken man

Not only was she angry with her boyfriend, this girl also scolded the bouquet attendant. The girl even asked to recreate her bouquet with dollar bills. The girl admitted that she would be embarrassed if her friends found out that her boyfriend only gave her small change.

"Cik! Can you make this bouquet again? I'm embarrassed when I see my friends giving change to my boyfriend," wrote in the video caption.

Suddenly when he heard the rebuke, the bouquet officer, who was also the uploader of this sad story, admitted that he had tears in his eyes. According to him, the girl had gone too far considering that her lover was so romantic and was willing to spend tens of millions of rupiah just for her birthday.

the sad story of a heartbroken man on TikTok

the sad story of a heartbroken man

This story was also responded to by netizens who were furious with the girl and felt sorry for the man.

"One word for the girl: Matre, " wrote the account @acyy4a.

"Just tell me who the guy is here. I'm 33, let alone Rp. 35 million, if you give me a bouquet of Rp. 3.5 million, I'm already crying," wrote the account @www.tiktok.com_c_sie

"I thought the girl was angry because the guy spent a lot of money just for her birthday. It turns out I was thinking too positively. The guy just gave me that. Never mind IDR 35 million, I'm already happy with IDR 350 thousand," said the account @arli. Lilian.

"Ooo no wonder you're not married until you're 35. Just decided to look for another girl," said the account @tifanyelisa.
