foto: Instagram/@Asnanfoto

Unfortunately, various efforts have been made, the perpetrator still managed to escape.

  18 Juni 2024 10:46 - The shots taken by a photographer at CFD Jakarta went viral on social media. The reason is, the photographer managed to capture the moment of the mugging that occurred during Car Free Day (CFD) in Jakarta via camera. It is also said that the resulting image could be evidence for the police to arrest the perpetrator. The reason is, everything from faces and vehicles to the police numbers used are clearly recorded.

The photographer named Asnan shared his photos on his Instagram account with the username @Asnanfoto. The perpetrator can be seen in the photo smiling and raising his hands while making a teasing gesture. During the incident, many people shouted at the mugging .

cfd mugging photographer's testimony  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@Asnanfoto

Asnan said that he was one of the witnesses to the incident. The two perpetrators were chased and shouted at as thieves by people at the scene. There were even several Satpol PP members who tried to catch him by cutting off the speed of the motorbike he was driving. Unfortunately, various efforts have been made, the perpetrator still managed to escape.

"Then I also shouted to the Satpol PP officers to inform them that there was a snatcher approaching. While getting ready to take photos. Many officers and runners got ready to catch the snatcher. But because of the high speed, Satpol PP and the runners were unable to stop them," said Asnan. reported by on Tuesday (18/6).

cfd mugging photographer's testimony  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@Asnanfoto

According to Asnan, the photos show the perpetrator's behavior in a pose that makes him angry. The reason is, it seemed as if the perpetrator was teasing local residents who failed to catch him. He was also able to escape carrying the looted items with the jumawa.

"That was teasing, sir. Didn't shout, sir, just took action," said Asnan.

Finally, the perpetrator managed to escape from chasing residents by taking a cellphone belonging to someone at the location. The incident occurred in the morning, so there were still several motorized vehicles that could pass through the CFD. The perpetrator used a beat street type motorbike.

"At the time of the incident, we asked the police who were on the bicycle," explained Asnan.

cfd mugging photographer's testimony  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@Asnanfoto

Tanah Abang Metro Police Chief, AKBP Chandra Mata Rohansyah said that he is currently conducting an investigation. Even though there is evidence of the moment of the mugging, the police said it would take a little time.

"Please take our time to check and we will carry out an investigation," said Chandra.

In line with that, the Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Police Commissioner Susatyo Purnomo Chondro will also take part in carrying out the investigation. They are currently checking the incident.

"We'll check it later," said Susatyo, Sunday (16/6).
