
Before the incident, the officer guarding the crossing had shouted at the man, but unfortunately he didn't hear him.

  19 Juni 2024 10:40 - Recently there was a stir on social media that a man died horribly because he was hit by an electric train (KRL). At that time, the initials AYD (24) were jogging while using a headset. The incident occurred at the railway crossing in the Grogol area, West Jakarta, at dawn on Saturday (15/6).

At that time AYD did not realize that there was a train passing by . Before the unfortunate incident, the crossing guard saw AYD's position, he shouted at the man and gave a warning. However, unfortunately the victim did not hear the sound of the passing train because he was using a headset. This incident was directly reported by the Head of the Grogol Petamburan Police, Kompol Muharram Wibisono.

"It happened three days ago. I was actually wearing a headset so I didn't realize there was a train approaching," said Police Commissioner Muharram Wibisono, as reported by on Wednesday (19/6).

man dies when hit by krl

man dies when hit by train

Muharram explained that the victim was walking along the tracks, specifically on the edge of the sidewalk, which was not very far from the train tracks. Not long after, the train passed.

"When the witness was on duty as a train doorstop guard at JPL 2b Makaliwe Raya, he saw the victim on the edge of the crime scene sidewalk and the train doorstop was closed," he said.

The train from Tangerang to Pos Duri Station was already trying to slow down its speed. The driver even sounded the horn twice. However, the victim did not hear these warnings.

man dies when hit by krl

man dies when hit by train

"Then the train from Tangerang to Pos Duri Station went slowly and sounded its horn twice and the victim still didn't hear it," added Muharram.

Because he was using a headset, the victim did not realize that a train was passing by. AYD was then hit and died at the scene. It was discovered that the newspaper died at that time with a broken left leg and serious injuries to his head.

"The victim died with a broken left leg and serious head injuries," said Muharram.

Currently, the authorities have evacuated and handed over the victim's body to the family. At that time, the police said that the victim was immediately taken care of and buried according to his family's wishes.
