As a result of the vigilante action that killed the rental boss, Sukolilo Village is now suspected of being a village that holds stolen vehicles.

  18 Juni 2024 14:45 - The impact of the case of abuse of car rental owners in Sukolilo, Pati, has not stopped. The beating that caused a car rental owner from Jakarta to die on June 8 made the public angry with the perpetrators. Not only that, many netizens end up having negative opinions about the largest sub-district in Pati Regency.

Most recently, a viral video showed photos of streets in the Sukolilo area on Google Maps. Reported by from the X account @xoxolofey, Tuesday (18/6), the account shared screenshots showing various street corners and residential areas in the Sukolilo area, Pati.

" It's really exciting to walk around Pati Sukolilo. A motorbike tourist village without plates, " wrote the tweet in the video upload.

vehicles without number plates on Google Maps Sukolilo Various sources

photo: Twitter/@xoxolofey

In the video, you can see quite a lot of two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles on several street corners that don't have number plates. This also raises questions and suspicions among netizens.

Previously, the Sukolilo area had received accusations that the area was a holding area for stolen motorbikes and cars. This negative stigma continues to spread after the vigilante case which killed one victim , with six suspects being arrested.

The murder case also resulted in an unusual change in the name of the area on Google Maps. A number of points in the Sukolilo District area, Pati Regency were marked as 'Thieve Village' to 'Penadah Village' by netizens.

vehicles without number plates on Google Maps Sukolilo Various sources

photo: Twitter/@xoxolofey

Regarding the allegations circulating, the police said they would investigate the information. The Central Java Regional Police will also find out whether the car being rented is part of the practice of buying and selling illegal cars.

"It's still being developed (whether Sukolilo is really a syndicate village). Including whether the car rented by the perpetrator (AG) will be sold or not, it's still being investigated. Because currently, the new handling is focused on the article about the joint attack which caused death," said the Head of Public Relations of the Regional Police. Central Java Police Commissioner Stefanus Satake Bayu Setianto as reported by

The Pati Police also carried out sweeping or raids on motorized vehicles after Pati Regency was called a catchment city. Launching Instagram @polresta_pati, this raid was carried out massively on multi-target road users. Sweeping is also carried out on owners of bogus vehicles that do not have the correct number plates.

vehicles without number plates on Google Maps Sukolilo Various sources

photo: Google Maps

As a result, the police managed to confiscate 33 motorbikes and 6 four-wheeled vehicles last Friday (14/6). Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Central Java Regional Police, Commissioner Pol Johanson Simamora, said that the joint task force of the Central Java Regional Police's Criminal Investigation and Pati Police had arrested three suspects with the initials AW, DS and DR.

"From one village there is one owner," said Johansson, quoted from Friday (14/6).

vehicles without number plates on Google Maps Sukolilo Various sources

photo: Twitter/@xoxolofey

Responding to public accusations via this horrendous video, the Head of Sukolilo Subdistrict also spoke. Through a TV station, Andrik Sulaksono conveyed his clarification regarding various accusations that were circulating in the community.

Andrik stated that what the public has accused so far is not true.

"I don't think the accusation of Sukolilo being a village of thieves is true, because the people of Sukolilo are good and the majority are farmers," he said in his statement on a TV station.

Andrik also claims that the activities of residents in his sub-district are not much different from many other areas.

"The residents' activities here are the same as in other areas," said Andrik.
