The style is simple from year to year.

  14 Februari 2024 13:45 - The 2024 democracy party will be Prabowo Subianto's fourth time competing on the presidential election stage. Previously, the Minister of Defense had registered himself as a presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate in the 2009, 2014 and 2019 presidential elections.

However, in the three previous contests, Prabowo has not succeeded in occupying the position of number one person in Indonesia. Now, in the 2024 presidential election, Prabowo is running for president paired with Jokowi's son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

On voting day, Prabowo also cast his vote at the polling station or TPS. In contrast to today, Wednesday (14/2), when he appeared in a blue shirt, Prabowo wore a white shirt every time he voted.

The following summarizes from various sources on Wednesday (14/2), Prabowo's style of voting from time to time.

1. Prabowo Subianto arrived to cast his vote in the presidential election at TPS 02 Bojong Koneng, Bogor, West Java, Wednesday accompanied by several leaders of the Gerindra Party, and his son Didit Hediprasetyo.

Prabowo's style of voting from time to time  various sources

photo: Luthfi Rahman

2. He also ensures that the ballot papers are safe from damage and ready to be used as the recording medium of choice.

Prabowo's style of voting from time to time  various sources

photo: Luthfi Rahman

3. During the simultaneous elections in 2014, Prabowo Subianto, who was running for president number 1, appeared at the polling station in a white shirt.

Prabowo's style of voting from time to time  various sources

photo: Luthfi Rahman

4. After inserting the ballot paper into the ballot box, Prabowo showed off his index finger which had been inked.

Prabowo's style of voting from time to time  various sources

photo: Luthfi Rahman

5. After voting, Prabowo showed two fingers that had been inked as proof that he had cast his vote.

Prabowo's style of voting from time to time  various sources

photo: Fithriansyah

6. Using his voting rights, the number two presidential candidate in the 2024 election, Prabowo appeared wearing a light blue shirt. The Minister of Defense arrived at TPS 033 at around 09.00 WIB accompanied by his aide, TNI Major Teddy Indra Wijaya.

Prabowo's style of voting from time to time  various sources


7. Prabowo is seen dipping 2 fingers in ink, namely his right index and middle finger. He also showed off his two-finger salute.

Prabowo's style of voting from time to time  various sources

