foto: Twitter/@azurelcz; Twitter/@memefess

Anyone can see the humor in last night's debate~

  5 Februari 2024 11:19 - The last presidential candidate debate was just held on Sunday (4/2) evening. The debate which was held at the Jakarta Convention Center contained discussions about social welfare, human resource development (HR) and inclusion.

The topic and content of the debate itself felt very serious. However, netizens can always find humor behind the seriousness and tension of the presidential candidates when debating. Not only did they find it funny, they even turned it into a meme that many people could enjoy.

These funny memes can be entertainment in the midst of the political heat ahead of the general election which will be held on February 14 2024. Wondering how hilarious the presidential debate memes are? The following is a hilarious portrait of a collection of memes from the latest presidential candidates that are odd but worth listening to before voting, compiled by on Monday (5/2) from various sources.

1. Throughout the five debates, perhaps this is a brief description.

Memes of the final presidential debate Various sources

photo: Twitter/@cxlturedd

2. The moderator's style of guiding the debate took place more or less the same as before.

Memes of the final presidential debate Various sources

photo: Twitter/@cxlturedd

3. The interesting thing is, these two presidential candidates are not as hot as before.

Memes of the final presidential debate Various sources

photo: Twitter/@cxlturedd

4. Maybe one of the candidate pairs is already in the fifth stage of grief.

Memes of the final presidential debate Various sources

photo: Twitter/@skip Berat

5. This is the most epic.

Memes of the final presidential debate Various sources

photo: Twitter/@lunarfishiee

6. From yesterday, this candidate pair has the most attractive clothes.

Memes of the final presidential debate Various sources

photo: Twitter/@aldapstsr

7. I agree too often.

Memes of the final presidential debate Various sources

photo: Twitter/@schngfr

8. Apart from making memes, this is how netizens enjoy debates.

Memes of the final presidential debate Various sources

photo: Twitter/@azurelcz

9. These two candidate pairs have been working together since yesterday.

Memes of the final presidential debate Various sources

photo: Twitter/@memefess

10. So is this actually a debate or cooking show?

Memes of the final presidential debate Various sources

photo: Twitter/@jejenjreng

11. Cie, finally everything is fine.

Memes of the final presidential debate Various sources

photo: Twitter/@memefess
