Even though she only has the status of an honorary teacher in elementary school, this woman is still very dedicated to her work.

  19 Juni 2024 04:25

Brilio.net - A person's service should receive high appreciation and appreciation, including honorary teachers. This noble profession needs to receive more attention in terms of welfare.

However, in reality, it takes a long wait for an honorary teacher to be appointed as a civil servant (PNS). This was also experienced by the woman whose story was uploaded to the TikTok account @pk_guru_kxgitu and has recently gone viral.

Reported by brilio.net from the TikTok account @pk_guru_kxgitu, Tuesday (18/6), the owner of this account told the story of the struggles of his mother who had worked as an honorary teacher for 20 years. Thanks to great patience and dedication, the mother was finally successfully appointed as a Government Employee with a Work Agreement (P3K) aka Civil Servant .

the story of the TikTok honorary teacher's struggle

photo: TikTok/@pk_guru_kxgitu

The story begins by showing a photo of his mother, Nurhayati. Furthermore, he explained that his mother worked as an honorary teacher at an elementary school for 20 years.

"20 years of honor as a class teacher at an elementary school," wrote the account owner in the photo caption.

the story of the TikTok honorary teacher's struggle

photo: TikTok/@pk_guru_kxgitu

Despite this, his mother remained sincere in carrying out her work. He remains enthusiastic and grateful for his work.

"We carry it out sincerely and enthusiastically in educating students," he said.

Even though he had only been an honorary teacher for years, he and his father did not mind this condition. They are always together in joy and sorrow.

the story of the TikTok honorary teacher's struggle

photo: TikTok/@pk_guru_kxgitu

Even though he only has the status of an honorary teacher in elementary school, this man said that his mother dedicated her work extraordinarily, even though she was no longer young.

Amazingly, with just her income as an honorary teacher, the mother managed to pay for her child to graduate from undergraduate education. In fact, the owner of this account is very happy because his parents were able to take him to successfully study for a master's degree.

After graduating, the man decided to teach at an elementary school, similar to his mother's job. He also shared the moment when he was a teacher at the elementary school .

the story of the TikTok honorary teacher's struggle

photo: TikTok/@pk_guru_kxgitu

His mother's long struggle and high dedication finally bore sweet fruit. In 2024, this man said that his mother had succeeded in becoming a Government Employee with a Work Agreement (P3K).

The mother's struggle made her child feel emotional. Interestingly, it turns out that the mother was appointed together with her child who also succeeded in becoming a P3K.

the story of the TikTok honorary teacher's struggle

photo: TikTok/@pk_guru_kxgitu

At the end of his story, this man explained that his father also played an important role in their struggle. He expressed his gratitude for everything that had gone through.

"Father, the person behind the scenes who is at the forefront. Always there whenever we need him. Thank you, God, for sending the best parents," he wrote in the description of the slide shared.

Before long, the story shared on TikTok had been watched by millions of account users. The post was flooded with various comments from netizens who applauded and were touched by the mother's struggle.

Several netizens also vented in the comments column because their parents had similar stories of struggle but until now they had not been appointed as P3K.

"I really salute my mother. I was really touched when I saw the inauguration photo," wrote the account @t.widya1013.

"My mother hasn't been appointed for 17 years. She likes to cry when she sees all her friends, confused about what to do until my mother is thinking about quitting as a teacher," wrote the account @callnyaayaaaa.

"Same! My mother was an honorary teacher for dozens of years, it turns out her fortune will be raised with her child in 2022. PPPK mother & I am a civil servant. Thank God, MashaAllah," added the account @alfiardu, joining in the confide.

"Your story tells of a struggle that was not in vain. Currently my wife is also struggling to become a first aid kit. I hope we will always be blessed with good fortune and patience. Amen," said the account @ferryfam5.
