The 45-year-old veteran can actually still walk with the help of a cane, but chooses to use a wheelchair to speed up movement.

  13 Juni 2024 12:23 - Old age is not an obstacle for Harjo Mislan to fulfill his call to the Holy Land . At the age of 110, this grandfather from Beding Village, Sambit, Ponorogo, East Java looks enthusiastic about performing the Hajj accompanied by his son.

He was recorded as the oldest Hajj pilgrim in Indonesia during the Hajj season 1445 Hijriah/2024. His arrival was immediately warmly welcomed by the Saudi Arabian Hajj Organizing Officers (PPIH). Mbah Harjo, as he was addressed, was immediately invited to sit in a wheelchair and then taken to the lobby of the Dar Al Naem hotel, Sector 1 of the Madinah Working Area (Daker).

Not only the officers, the congregation also enthusiastically welcomed Mbah Harjo's arrival. However, Mbah Harjo remained silent without many words when everyone asked about his news and health condition. He looked confused and was trying to recognize his surroundings.

Harjo Mislan veteran 45th oldest Hajj pilgrim  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@pst0re

His expression immediately changed when he saw the red and white flag symbol on the Hajj officer's uniform. "Red and white?," asked Mbah Harjo to the Hajj Media Center officers who were at the location, as reported by from, Thursday (13/6).

"Yes, Mbah, these are Indonesian Hajj officers. Right now Mbah is in Medina. These are all the Hajj officers who are here," said an officer explaining to Mbah Harjo.

Apparently, the red and white flag symbol reminds Mbah Harjo of the struggles of his youth. It was revealed that this retired village official had become a fighter in 1945. He admitted that he had participated in the war against the Dutch.

"(The war against the Dutch) used clubs," said Mbah Harjo.

In line with Mbah Harjo, his son Sirmat explained that his father was registered as a veteran fighter. However, another veteran friend is now gone. Only Mbah Harjo is still healthy.

"From the veteran group, only the father is still there," said Sirmat, as reported by

It is known that Mbah Harjo's intention to go on Hajj was in 2017, which coincided with the time when the grandfather of 15 grandchildren performed the Umrah pilgrimage. Since then he started saving to register for Hajj. Sirmat revealed that his father officially registered for Hajj in 2019. At more than a century old, Mbah Harjo is on the list of priority congregations for the elderly.

This grandfather still seems energetic and enthusiastic about participating in the Hajj ritual process. This 45-year-old warrior veteran can even complete the entire ritual process, including the practice of tawaf. The child said that Mbah Harjo often exercised to keep his body fit.

Harjo Mislan veteran 45th oldest Hajj pilgrim  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@pst0re

"Previously, he was a veteran and was active in sports, liked to live a healthy life, maybe that's what made him last longer," said Sirmat, as reported by

Sirmat revealed that his father could actually still walk with the help of a stick. Using a wheelchair is only to speed up movement. As an anticipation, Sirmat also brought a wheelchair from Indonesia just in case.

Harjo Mislan veteran 45th oldest Hajj pilgrim  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@pst0re

"Actually, you can walk alone, just use a wheelchair to speed up your movement, so you don't bother others," said Sirmat.

It's just that Mbah Harjo's hearing is less than optimal, so to be able to communicate you have to use a higher voice. "Yes, so when you speak you have to be a little louder," said Sirmat in conclusion.

On this pilgrimage, Mbah Harjo was not only accompanied by his son. There are sons-in-law and in-laws who also join the pilgrimage together. Now, Mbah Harjo and his family are carrying out worship at the Nabawi Mosque, which will be followed by a pilgrimage to a number of historical locations in Medina, before heading to Mecca towards the end of the month.
