This girl, named Sopyah Supriatin, only lived with her younger sister, after her mother died and her father migrated to become a casual laborer.

  23 Mei 2024 14:45 - Financial problems are often a rock in a person's life. Living below the poverty line makes people willing to use various means to earn income and survive. In fact, there are those who are willing to drop out of school and work hard to earn a living at a young age because they encounter financial problems or family problems.

Recently, social media users were touched by the story of a girl from Indramayu, West Java who was willing to change her appearance to support her family. She is Sopyah Supriatin (22), a girl who is willing to change her appearance to look like a man in order to support the only family she lives with, namely her younger sister.

Not without reason, he disguised himself as a boy so he could work as a construction worker and earn income. His younger brother, Samsul Ramadan, is still at school. While his mother had died, his father left him and his younger brother to migrate out of town and work as casual laborers.

girl disguises herself as a guy as a construction worker. Various sources


Launching a video that went viral on social media , Sopyah explained her reasons for changing her appearance to look like a man. He was forced to drop out of school and work to meet his daily needs. Sopyah was willing to cut her hair very short to get a job as a coolie.

Both of them live a limited life and live in a simple house. Because they couldn't afford it, Sopyah and her sister were willing to drop out of school and give up their dreams to get a better life.

girl disguises herself as a guy as a construction worker

photo: Instagram/@diskominfoindramayu

Sopyah decided to work in anything, including as a construction worker. He can do anything, such as transporting, mixing cement, and others to earn a salary of IDR 120 thousand a day.

(Work) Anything. (Payment) Sometimes IDR 80 thousand to IDR 120 thousand," said Sopyah, in a video re-uploaded on Instagram @tante.rempong.official.

Unfortunately, the call to work doesn't come every day and has made him unemployed recently. In fact, Sopyah admitted that she had not eaten for three days.

Sometimes it takes two days, yes. Sometimes three days," he answered.

His story was highlighted by the Regent of Indramayu.

girl disguises herself as a guy as a construction worker

photo: Instagram/@diskominfoindramayu

This sad story became popular on social media and was discovered by the Indramayu Regency government. Reported by from the news page, Thursday (23/5), Indramayu Regent Nina Agustina intervened.

The Regent even sent a team from the Education and Culture Service, Social Service, Indramayu Subdistrict Head and Lemahmekar Village Head.

Sopyah and Samsul received cash assistance to meet their daily needs. Apart from that, the Regent ordered the Education and Culture Office to immediately handle Samsul Ramadhan so he could return to school.

The plan is that Sopyah will pursue package C (high school equivalent) and be given business capital. Meanwhile, Samsul can now return to school at SMPN 3 Sindang.

"Ananda Samsul chose to move to SMPN 3 Sindang because he could ride a bicycle with his friends to go to school. "Later we will return to school at the same time as the new teachings," said the Head of the Education and Culture Office, Caridin to RRI, quoted by on Thursday (23/5).
