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Welcome rhymes also help create a relaxed atmosphere.

  27 Mei 2024 09:46

Brilio.net - Pantun has many types and uses. Such as welcome rhymes, advice rhymes, love rhymes and many more. If you often invite other people to events, you can use a welcome rhyme. Welcome rhymes have an important role in creating a warm and pleasant atmosphere when someone is accepted or welcomed somewhere.

Welcome rhymes have a unique and entertaining appeal. With its distinctive rhythm and playful words, this rhyme is able to make people smile and feel appreciated when they arrive somewhere.

Apart from that, welcome rhymes also help create a relaxed and intimate atmosphere between hosts and guests. In formal meetings or events, these rhymes can break the ice and lighten the atmosphere, so that everyone feels more comfortable and connected to each other. This is also a good opportunity to show hospitality and warmth to visiting guests.

The welcome rhyme also lies in its ability to increase togetherness and strengthen social relationships. By welcoming guests or new members with warm and friendly greetings, we send the message that they are welcomed with open arms and considered important. This can strengthen the bond between these individuals and create a closer and closer relationship between them.

So, want to know more about welcome rhymes ? Below, brilio.net summarizes it from various sources.

Pantun welcome

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1. We docked seven trains

So you don't get tired of carrying vanilla

Before the event we continue

Let's bow our heads for a moment.

2. Love hurts at its lowest point

Boyfriend walks away, sad heart

Thank you for coming

May God always bless.

3. Fishermen catch tuna fish

Sold two at the supermarket

I'm here as a protocol

Hopefully you can host an event.

4. Get the virgin leaves

Under the tempua bird's nest

Polite opening greeting

Welcome to all.

5. Soldiers stay in the dormitory

I've been praying and studying religion

Welcome distinguished guests

Please accept any shortcomings.

6. Jasmine flowers are developing

Grows beautifully on a vase

Happy heart feels cheerful

The audience came according to the invitation

7. The Mahakam River has clean water

Ride a brigadier's raft

We would like to express our gratitude

For those of you who have attended.

8. The evening sky is cloudless

Morning shrouded at the T-junction

Welcome ladies and gentlemen

We welcome you with pride.

9. Fabric is sold at a glance

Flowers picked near the pond

Welcome ladies and gentlemen

Allow us to say hello.

10. Sleeping on your back, please wake me up

Because you have to listen to advice

Welcome we present

Don't hesitate to enjoy the meal.

11. The water is rippling, a sign that it is not deep

The water is calm like diamonds

Let me say hello

For all attendees.

12. In the morning eat coconut

It feels good to make you laugh

We have met here

For special events.

13. Let the wood turn to ashes

The ash is white like milk

Welcome ladies and gentlemen

Stay enthusiastic, don't be lethargic.

14. The sun sets towards evening

Cassowary birds pacing back and forth

We welcome you

Thank you for coming.

15. Beautiful women become singers

Confused for a moment looking for an address

Welcome ladies and gentlemen

Hopefully this event will bring benefits.

16. Pick a bud flower

The small flowers are moth-eaten

Assalamualaikum welcome

I greeted the audience warmly.

17. Tanjung Pinang Tanjung Pura

The beach is beautiful near the airport

Happy heart, happy soul

We met at an event.

18. Far island from Malacca

Go on a pilgrimage to the city of Makkah

With Bismillah the event opened

May everyone get blessings.

19. All writing must be summarized

Before being sent to Belgian City

I say assalamualaikum

For a happy audience.

20. Pick mangoes with a pole

The two fell apart and became scattered

Let me say bismillah

Hopefully the event goes smoothly.

The welcome rhyme is entertaining

Pantun welcome freepik.com

photo: freepik.com

21. Want to taste curry

Taro stem mushroom curry

The feeling of joy is unfathomable

Meet kind colleagues.

22. Don't hit a broken motorbike

Later it could die

Because everyone has gathered

Let's open this event.

23. Sweet cake on a tray

Beautiful tray, gift from the queen.

Allow us to say hello

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatu.

24. Take a walk to the harbor

The air flows lightly.

We thank you

To groups and invitees.

25. The sunrise is not yet high

Walk alone waiting for your boyfriend

assalamualaikum good morning

Hopefully this event goes smoothly.

26. High cliff on a mountain

Merapi be careful when climbing

This life cannot be repeated

Let's just get this event started

27. A strong body is old

Carrying a sword is not a farmer

How are you all present?

Welcome to this event.

28. Go on holiday to Tanjung Pinang

Waiting at the edge of the pier

When someone says hello

Please answer loudly and powerfully

29. Meeting a friend you haven't seen for a long time

Turns out he has a law degree

Assalamualaikum all friends

May your lips be decorated with a smile.

30. Sit at the table while eating

The view is a weed forest

We give a thousand thanks

To the brothers and sisters who have come.

A cool welcome rhyme

Pantun welcome freepik.com

photo: freepik.com

31. Basil flowers on the edge of the ditch

Dining table for snacks

We thank you

To guests and invitees.

32. Fishing in the evening

Steamed fish tastes delicious.

We welcome you

Please sit in your place.

33. Star-studded candlelight

The lights are dimly explained.

For those in attendance who have come

We offer Assalamualaikum.

34. Ripe fruit was picked yesterday

Then brought to umi.

Welcome ladies and gentlemen

There are shortcomings, please understand.

35. Starred general talks about law

Also talk about the curriculum

Welcome, assalamualaikum

If there is something missing, please understand.

36. Eat grafted potatoes

Potatoes are sauted with added spices.

We say welcome

Hopefully the audience will be impressed.

37. The morning was foggy for days

Fly to the teak forest.

We welcome ten fingers

May it please you in your heart.

38. From Bontang to Cilacap

Walk alone to the sacred forest.

A sincere welcome

Dear audience.

39. Buy blue shoes

Worn by school on Wednesdays.

Welcome new students

Come with new enthusiasm.

40. Udin is Irfan's friend

Sit together at the front.

Create shared hope

To look forward to the future.

41. To the city of Bekasi, bring aim

To hunt for Kuwini fruit targets.

Afternoon everyone, educators

Pleased to be here today.

42. Go for a trip to Suramadu

On his return home he met Bara.

Have a good meeting, ladies and gentlemen

Hopefully it will be finished by the end of the event.

43. Rainwater enters the jar

The rainy season has sprung.

Welcome ladies and gentlemen

Hope you like us at our place.

44. Sweet cake on a tray

Beautiful tray, gift from the queen.

Allow us to say hello

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatu.

45. Take a walk to the harbor

The air flows lightly.

We thank you

To groups and invitees.

Tips for daring to appear in public

Daring to appear in public is often a daunting challenge for many people. However, with careful preparation and the right strategies, anyone can increase their self-confidence and ability to face an audience. Here are some tips that can help you overcome your fears and become more confident when appearing in public. Here are tips for having the courage to appear in public.

1. Thorough preparation

Make sure you really understand the material you are going to convey. In-depth research and strong understanding will make you more confident. Practice your presentation over and over again, either in front of a mirror, friends or family. The more often you practice, the more comfortable you will be when appearing in public.

2. Breathing and Relaxation Techniques

Before performing, take a few deep breaths to calm yourself. Deep breathing can help reduce anxiety and calm nerves. Use relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga to help calm your mind and body before performing.

3. Positive Visualization

Visualize yourself performing well and getting a positive response from the audience. Positive visualization can help build self-confidence and reduce anxiety.

4. Manage Fear

Identify what scares you and try to face them one by one. For example, if you are afraid you will forget the material, make small notes or important points as a guide.

5. Appearance and Body Language

Make sure you dress neatly and comfortably. Good appearance can increase self-confidence. Use open and positive body language. Stand straight, don't cross your arms, use natural hand movements to emphasize important points.
