
This rhyme can describe the enthusiasm and joy of youth.

  23 Mei 2024 14:25 - Pantun is a form of traditional oral poetry that is popular in Indonesia and several other countries in Southeast Asia, such as Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore. Pantun consists of four lines which usually rhyme ABAB and sometimes contain elements of comparison or satire. Each line consists of four to eight syllables.

The spread of pantun began with the oral culture of the Malay people. Pantun is often used in various contexts, including in folklore, traditional celebrations, official meetings, and also as a medium of entertainment at informal gatherings.

You can find various types of rhymes in society, such as old rhymes, young rhymes, witty rhymes, and many more. One of the rhymes that is much loved by young people is young rhymes. Young rhymes can reflect the enthusiasm, excitement and challenges faced by the younger generation.

Pantun Muda describes the enthusiasm and determination of young people to achieve their dreams and goals in life. With joy and high enthusiasm, they are ready to face all the challenges that lie ahead.

So, do you want to know more about examples of rhymes for young people ? Below, summarizes a series of examples from various sources, Thursday (23/5).

Young people's poems about love.

Examples of young people's rhymes


1. Go karaoke accompanied by Sinta.
Singing the song of the lamb.
There are many obstacles in the journey of love.
But you're the only one I long for.

2. Planting mumbang for fun,
Hopefully coconuts will grow.
Just casually showing affection,
Hopefully he will like it.

3. Ladies and gentlemen sell cleaners.
Wood cleaner from teak trees.
Trust me darling.
I love you to death.

4. Go to the hardware store to buy nails.
Next to him is a sago trader.
If you knew what's in my heart.
It's only you that I always wait for.

5. From Bandung to Pati City.
Lime trees planted.
He's the only one in my heart.
The others were removed.

6. Buy sunflower seeds at Lulu's stall.
The green beans are put into the baking dish.
You just blushed.
Even though I already said I love you.

7. Run fast while taking off your sandals.
Slip and fall until it hurts.
If you really want to know.
Just tell me don't be shy.

8. Hanging out at the caf with Anya.
I haven't seen you for a long time.
You're the only one.
A sweetheart who will always be missed.

9. Paint the walls to make a mural.
The meaning of the people's voice is implied.
I just want it to be halal.
Dating is not the right way.

10. Travel to Bangka Island.
Go with Adnan.
I never thought.
You ran away at the wedding.

11. Boil water until it boils.
Poured for jelly.
How could it not be sad.
Today my boyfriend dumped me.

12. Shopping with Marta.
Buy a social that contains two.
Is there no more love?
Until you decide to be two-sided.

13. Marta's child is beautiful
Walk alone with Rama.
What can I say?
We're not meant to be together.

14. The sour taste of kuini fruit.
Eaten by Mr. Tolemlain.
This heart is shattered.
Seeing you walking with someone else.

15. There is a white chest.
Pure white basil flowers.
Not just sad.
My heart is sad when I leave my lover

16. Mother is cooking agar.
For the Bik Wulan event.
The fate of love with a merchant's son.
Like a hump missing the moon.

17. Rice is planted and reaped immediately.
Plant and play around.
I plant love, I sow love.
Apparently your heart belongs to someone else.

18. Jumping beautifully on the mattress.
Falling to the bottom doesn't say anything.
This relationship did end.
Don't lose your memory quickly.

19. The gulf breeze combs the coast.
Drifting under the titi.
Let the cloth be worn badly.
As long as you are good at taking heart.

20. Drink one drop of honey.
While eating mango.
If you want to be successful.
Don't forget to keep trying.

Poem young people about science.

Examples of young people's rhymes


21. Caterpillars crawl on sugar cane trees.
Mother went to the market to buy meat.
Lots of wealth but no knowledge.
Like a house without walls.

22. Cempedak fruit is oval in shape.
Liked by all.
If we are honest.
Our life is seen as noble.

23. Go to town to buy boba.
On the road see a cermai tree.
Never touch drugs.
So that your life is safe and peaceful.

24. Sekar's clothes are really red.
Clothes bought in Banyuwangi.
Even though they often fight.
But we love each other.

25. In the afternoon, go on a visit.
Visit to invite friends.
Always watch your tongue.
So as not to hurt friends.

26. The beautiful flowers of Indonesia are beautiful.
Which is in the city park.
Although the white sand beach is beautiful.
Our friendship remains more beautiful.

27. Weekend dinner.
Don't forget to bring a Martini.
I say thank you.
Has been my friend all this time.

28. Go to the mall to meet your ex.
When greeted he just shook his head.
Let's strengthen our friendship.
So that it is beautiful in a memory album.

29. The elephant was angry and the deer ran around.
In the sea the coral fish play.
It's good to be single alone.
Here and there no one forbids it.

30. The fruit of the lyre tastes sour.
Anya's favorite fruit.
How can it not feel lonely?
The heart has no guardian.

The rhymes of young people.

Examples of young people's rhymes


31. From Danu going to Dani.
Beautiful baby monkey on the hill.
People want to be recognized.
There was a slight smile on his face.

32. Being lazy about studying will make you stupid.
Apart from that, there will also be a lot of doubts.
Maybe we're not meant to be.
Many obstacles always interfere.

33. Pigeon dove.
The capa tree nears his house.
Don't be a little upset in your heart.
Sweet sister, who has it?

34. Don't be afraid.
Don't worry.
That's a fart.
Not lightning.

35. I'm covered in a banana.
Overwritten by rice stalks.
Shot with petuning bullets.
Just shot, the snake died.

36. Dana alone stabbed Pari.
Got a mullet from a plata fish.
You're not the only one here.
Brought by your beloved heart.

37. Banyan tree in the middle of the country.
It has thousands of fruits on its stem.
Want to be in the flower of the prophet's edit.
Can we pick it?

38. See the view from the bridge.
What's more, accompanied by a dashing guy.
Remember friends, keep your friendship.
Because friendship is very beautiful.

39. Go home in the evening to the market.
Don't forget to buy Serabi.
While still single, learn a lot.
In old age, be happy.

40. Suji-suji pomegranate leaves.
Sutan bantan children are praised.
If you want to ask, accept it.
I hope you don't forget it.

41. Go to the market to buy pancakes
Bought 10 by Ranya
Young people must be aware
That Indonesia is in his hands.

42. Drink young coconut in the afternoon
It's even better if you add a spell
Unite the fire of youth's enthusiasm
Guard Indonesia until it becomes champion.

43. Buy bakwan at Bu Erda's stall
When he came home, Riri asked
Message to young people
Keep Indonesia standing strong.

44. Pak Mada's ice cream really tastes delicious
Ice is sold by Pak Makmur
Be enthusiastic, young man
Make Indonesia a prosperous country.

45. Calm water in the lake
The road to the lake is difficult and you need to be careful
Friends need to be looked after
So I can help someday.

Tips for growing determination for young people.

Youth is a period full of potential, adventure, and self-discovery. Youth is a time when we can explore interests, achieve goals, and build meaningful relationships. However, to truly enjoy youth requires a balance between responsibility and opportunity, between future plans and present excitement. Here are some tips for enjoying your youth:

1. Maintain physical and mental health.

Maintaining health such as physical activity is not only good for body health, but also improves mood and energy. Apart from that, you can eat nutritious foods to ensure your body gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs.

2. Exploration and learning.

Take advantage of your youth to learn new skills or deepen your knowledge in an area of interest. Explore new places, both at home and abroad. Travel opens horizons and provides valuable experiences.

3. Build meaningful relationships.

Strong family relationships can be a source of emotional support. Choose friends who support and inspire you to be the best version of yourself.

4. Do positive activities.

Take part in social activities and volunteer to make a positive impact in the area. You can also adopt an environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyle. This could be an option for doing positive activities in your youth, you know.

5. Find and follow a passion.

Find an activity you love and make time to enjoy it. Apart from that, you can try to find a career that suits your interests and passions.
