
These one hundred old rhymes can be fun material, whether spoken directly or posted on social media.

  22 Mei 2024 23:00 - The term "borrow a hundred first" originates from Indonesian society's sarcasm towards people who borrow money but are reluctant to pay it back when they are billed. This phrase arises from the character of Indonesian people who flirt when borrowing money, but are reluctant to pay after the money is received. So, the term "borrow a hundred first" is used as an insult to people who behave well when borrowing money, but are reluctant to pay afterward.

This trend then became a public discourse aimed not only at those who owed it, but experienced an expansion of its meaning. Even Coldplay vocalist Chris Martin joined in the rhyme trend "borrow a hundred first" at his concert at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium (SUGBK) on Wednesday, November 15 2023. The moment was recorded on video by concert goers and went viral on social media. So, the term has seeped into popular culture and appears in memes, social conversations, and other media.

For those of you who might want to make fun of your friends, you can use the rhyme of borrowing a hundred first. Apart from that, this first hundred borrowing rhyme can also be a source of fun, whether spoken directly or posted on social media.

Without waiting any longer, here are 40 pantuns, borrow a hundred, entertaining and suitable for social media captions as reported by from various sources, Wednesday (22/5).

One hundred borrowed rhymes, entertaining and suitable for social media captions.

Pantun borrow one hundred first  2024 fre

First borrow a hundred

1. Cheerful clear blue sky,
White clouds floated in the air.
Borrow a hundred, not for spree,
But to buy fried food at Mrs. Nura's stall.

2. Eat satay at a tent stall,
The delicious taste is addictive.
Borrow a hundred, to buy additional satay,
Let's eat together deliciously.

3. Cooking in your favorite kitchen,
Make delicious and special dishes.
Borrow a hundred, to buy spices and cooking ingredients,
So that the food is delicious and liked by everyone.

4. So that the relationship is not broken
So borrow a hundred first

5. Pigeons eat boiled corn
If you are kind, borrow a hundred first

6. Duku fruit on a cactus tree
Borrow a hundred first

7. Hundreds of hundreds of stars in the upper sky,
If you have a hundred, borrow it first

8. Assembling upstream
Swim to shore
If you have one, borrow one hundred first
I'll pay later

9. Monday is the Mathematics exam
Study hard to pass
Happy birthday beautiful Adel
Can I borrow a hundred?

10. Hundreds of stars in the clouds
Only one is the brightest
Borrow two hundred first, friend
For collateral, I'm willing to pawn the goods

11. Snakehead gourami fish.
Arowana fish eat mice.
So that the friendship is not broken.
Borrow a hundred first.

12. Buy shoes from your sister
Lotus brand black shoes
Hi you are a good person
Let me borrow celatus

13. The bright morning sun shines,
Birds chirped sweetly on the branches.
Borrow a hundred for a moment,
I'll change it tomorrow, don't worry.

14. Pregnant wife craves wedang wuluh
Craving time in the middle of the night
If there are fifty
Can I borrow it?

15. Duku fruit on a cactus tree
Cannot be taken because it is thorny
Lend me a hundred first
So I can wander around

16. Go to the market to buy muffins
Coming home from the market, I met Asegaf
You're sorry, I forgive you
You borrowed a hundred, I'm sorry

17. Go to the sugus candy stall
He came home watching the circus people
Many times you want to borrow a hundred
It's better to just ask Agus

18. The blue sea the waves break,
Small boats sail to the shore.
Borrow a hundred first for needs,
I'll pay it off later, I'll never deny it.

19. Go to the field and look at the ditch
On the way to earn money
It's not that I'm stingy
But there's no money.

20. Gourami fish is delicious boiled
Arowana fish eat cork
So that the friendship does not break
Borrow a hundred first

21. Eagles fly high
Looking for prey in pine trees
If I could borrow a hundred
It will be replaced tomorrow

22. Go to the rice fields to plant rice
Rice is planted so that it is fertile
I don't mean to just be brave
Borrow a hundred first to buy rice

23. Back to the village the road was smooth
Hey, it's actually leaking on the road
So that the friendship is not broken
Borrow a hundred first

24. Take a boat to the opposite island
Fishing at dusk
Pocket money is running low at the end of a long month
It's okay to borrow a hundred, right?

25. Lohan fish, snakehead fish
Soak it first, then boil it
So that the friendship continues
Borrow a hundred first

26. Whale shark
He has a fat stomach and eats greedily
If possible, borrow a hundred first
So that the friendship is not broken

27. Buy rujak and buy kedondong
Don't forget to buy juice too
If you are kind and not arrogant
Can I borrow a hundred?

28. Go to the hardware store to buy nails
The nails are put in cardboard
If you were my friend
Borrow a hundred first

29. Excuse me, sir, excuse me, sis
Hitchhiking through to Kudus City
Let our friendship get better
Can you borrow a hundred first?

30. Buy shoes for your sister
Cheap shoes with good colors
Hi you are a good person
Give me a loan of one hundred first

31. Impun fish are eaten by turtles
The fur is fat, not thin
So that the friendship is not broken
Borrow a hundred first

32. Whales eat greedily
So that the friendship is not broken
Borrow a hundred first

33. The suspension bridge is about to break
Hit by continuous storms
So that the friendship is not broken
Borrow a hundred first

34. Physics exam is Tuesday
Study hard to pass
So that the friendship is not broken
Can I borrow a hundred?

35. Eels are eaten lightly
Soft times the head is smooth
So that the friendship is not broken
Can I borrow a hundred?

36. Two or three balloons in the air burst
Balloons burst due to Chikungunya
You keep saying borrow a hundred
But sorry, I don't even have a thousand

37. That friend is in a lot of debt
The debt increases, people run away
For those of you who are waiting for a hundred to come
Believe me, I won't give

38. There is a cat chasing a mouse
The rat ran away with hundreds of dollars
So that this wallet doesn't get any more empty
Can I borrow nine hundred?

39. Today, my wallet is empty
I think your wallet must be thick
Hey friend, borrow a hundred first
I'll buy you sandals tomorrow

40. Take a walk to Tanah Abang
Buy new clothes instead you get used ones
I have a hundred I can borrow, darling
So that our relationship becomes more comfortable

The importance of understanding rhymes.

Pantun borrow one hundred first  2024 fre

First borrow a hundred

Studying pantun opens a window in understanding local wisdom and the cultural values contained therein. Through pantun, you can learn various aspects of people's lives, such as customs, philosophy and ways of viewing the world.

Benefits of understanding pantun:

1. Develop language skills

Pantun helps improve language skills, both spoken and written. Composing rhymes trains agility in thinking, creativity and accuracy in choosing diction.

2. Foster a sense of love for the Motherland

Pantun is part of the nation's cultural wealth. Understanding pantun fosters a sense of love and appreciation for Indonesian culture, encouraging a sense of nationalism and national identity.

3. Improve communication skills

Pantun is also used as an effective communication tool. Conveying messages using rhymes can make messages more interesting, memorable and easy to understand.

4. Preserving national culture

Understanding pantun and continuing to preserve it means protecting the nation's cultural heritage so that it is not forgotten. Pantun is a national identity that needs to be preserved and passed on to future generations.
