Through this humorous rhyme, you can lighten the atmosphere and bring warmth between people.

  30 Mei 2024 19:45 - Pantun is a tradition passed down from generation to generation in Indonesia which must be introduced to children from an early age. This is because it is only the younger generation who continue the pantun culture which has beautiful words, rhyme patterns and related meanings in people's daily lives.

One of the themes of rhymes that can be introduced to children is humorous rhymes. Limericks are rhymes with humorous nuances that entertain the reader or listener. Through this humorous rhyme, you can lighten the atmosphere and bring warmth between people.

For example, elementary school limericks about friends. Actually, rhymes have various themes, but in this article we will review elementary school rhymes which are specifically used by elementary school students. But anyone is free to adapt this rhyme for inspiration and then create their own version of the rhyme.

Immediately, here are 45 humorous rhymes for elementary school children about friends, full of meaning and entertaining, summarized from various sources on Thursday (30/5).

A humorous rhyme for elementary school children about friends, full of meaning and comforting.

Elementary school children's limericks about friends  2024


1. The wind blows the weeds of the tree
The finches sing
Let's go on an adventure, friends
Come on, let's be the ballang

2. The door was damaged and split
One ball falls into the pool
Rushing to school
Forgot to only wear underwear

3. Stomach ache due to typhus
Maybe it's the herpes virus
If your fart makes a pessy sound
The people around you must be crazy

4. Don't chase a herd of rhinos
Might run away
So children study diligently
It's not time to think about your boyfriend yet

5. The beautiful lady's name is Mbak Yul
Likes to wear trendy clothes
Watch a superstitious story film
In fact, the tuyul spied on

6. Mang Oding's red shirt
Don't be angry, just kidding!
Good friends always share
But don't get your clothes dirty again

7. Don't cut down trees on the mountain
Cracked ground in Japanese city
The mind is confused and confused
Bald people ask for braids

8. Little brother sits quietly
If you're ugly, don't pretend to be handsome
Loyal friends always share
When you're happy or when you're worried

9. A horse farts with its tail swaying to the left
Fat people are merciful at heart
Good friends always share
Don't forget, we are all humans who equally need love

10. The chicks squawk
Coconuts have lots of fiber
Secretly I farted
But why are you the one making a fuss?

11. The lights in the city are bright
The car carries a lot of goods
If you shower rarely
His body smells like sulfur.

12. Walk around wearing a t-shirt
T-shirt with a picture of a rice planter
Invited a friend to play truant
Let him skip class alone.

13. Drink syrup from a glass
Eat cake, taro cake
Everyone clean the classroom
Except for lazy monkeys

14. There is a mountain, here is a mountain
In the middle of Mount Rajabasa
There you go, you get confused, you go there, you get confused
It's better to just go to school

15. A male frog is looking in the mirror
The female felt embarrassed
Children who are lazy about reading
Mother will definitely scold you

16. The city of Jombang for Fitri in the past
Even though there are lots of memories
Before the exam, study first
When you're taking exams, you're actually studying

17. The big book is his
The contents of the book are about the history of Java
If you don't know, please ask
Don't just stay silent

18. Buy markers with Zakir
Zakir likes keeping cats
If you answer an exam question, think about it
Don't even count the number of buttons

19. There is a pad on the machete
The machete was thrown over the edge of the cliff
If you fart, don't just do anything
Because it could offend people

20. Jackfruit with papaya leaves
Magic fruit, right?

21. Bread is bread
Shadow is shadow
Before you die
You better pray

22. Horses fart with their tails
Fat people are merciful at heart

23. Puppet shows are carried by motorbike taxis
About to be sent to Raden's house
Don't make fun of a flat nose
He is an oxygen-efficient person

24. Got a gift filled with tomatoes
I'm so stupid!

25. Sunday bought a trumpet
The sales person is really talkative
If your fart sounds pret
That's a sign that your health will last

26. Porang seeds are knee height
Don't kick, don't hit
Eat a basket of fried rice
Full stomach, snoring sleep

27. A tired body makes you weak
Eat crushed sablak
The restless heart becomes more and more anxious
Bald people want to wash their hair

28. Carry the jug onto the carriage
The jug is closed with a chimney
Don't be arrogant
Later his life will be like a tadpole

29. Eat soup on Sunday night
Eat tofu so you don't get bored
I want to say something to you
You are my true friend

30. Beautiful homeland flowers
Which is in the city park
although the white sand beach is beautiful
Our friendship remains more beautiful

31. Travel to a foreign country
Until you lose track of time
Even though he's already a person
Please don't forget your little friend

32. From downstream to upstream
Shaded by pine trees
A true friend from the past
Until now, they are still together

33. Bolu spreads a delicious aroma
In a box with a ribbon
Friends always accept
Our shortcomings

34. Dry wood has split
Take off the ties too
Even though I've been guilty
True friends forgive him

35. Green rambutan leaves
Wash dishes under the bridge
Whether you're a soul mate or not
The important thing is friendship

36. Don't be discouraged
I'm worried that I'll be attacked by a demon
The beach is indeed beautiful
But friendship is more beautiful

37. Hungry stomach is very cocooned
Walk along the river
I love toothless friends
If you laugh it's very funny

38. A garden is not just any garden
The flower garden is very fragrant
Friends are not just any friends
Claim to be a friend if you want

39. Walnut trees thrive
Next to the Nepalese horse stables
This is really funny my friend
Make people laugh out loud

40. Let's go drink herbal medicine
Don't ask too many questions
Oh friends, take care of your friendship
So that it lasts forever

41. Vultures smell strong
The shape is unique and large in size
Take my hand, dear friend
We live it together

42. If fishing, go to the river
Don't forget to bring provisions such as bread
Friends cannot be bought
However, friends will come by themselves according to their hearts

43. It really hurts to be pricked by a thorn
It hurts more to be betrayed
Hey friends, don't go
Can't wait long

44. Star-studded tonight
As beautiful as your dance, the goddess
Happiness always comes
Because friends are always by your side

45. To the island by boat
Don't forget to bring a book
What you need to know
True friends are the most beautiful gift in my life

For your information, pantun is a form of Indonesian-Malay poetry which consists of four lines with abab rhyme. Each line usually contains four words, with the first and second lines as sampiran and the third and fourth lines as the content or satirical proverb.

There are various types of pantun, such as heroic, romantic, proverbs, farewell, religious, advice, humorous, riddles and love, each with a different purpose and content.

Pantun is used to express feelings, thoughts or sarcasm in an entertaining and educational way, and has an important role in introducing and maintaining community values.
