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Usually these advice poems about life contain very deep messages.

  27 Mei 2024 12:26

Brilio.net - Life advice can come from anywhere, from anyone, and at any time. One of them is through rhymes. A pantun is an old literary work that has developed in society since ancient times. Pantun is generally used at various events, for example proposals, weddings, welcoming guests, and so on.

Apart from that, you can also use rhymes to express feelings, express gratitude and give advice. This example of an advice rhyme can be used as a reminder of the meaning of life which is packaged in a more interesting way so that it is not monotonous and does not seem patronizing. Usually these advice poems about life contain very deep and meaningful messages.

This example of an advice rhyme about life is not just an ordinary moral message but contains various sentences that can be witty, full of affection, full of reprimand, and so on which basically contain good advice to guide in life.

So what are some examples of advice poems about life? Come on, take a look at the complete review of 40 examples of inspirational poems for advice about life, reported by brilio.net from various sources, Monday (27/5).

Examples of advice poems about life, inspiring.

Examples of advice rhymes about life  2024 freepik.com

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1. Sparrows fly high with you,
Looking for food in the morning.
Be diligent in studying and studying,
So that your life is full of meaning.

2. My uncle is a farmer
Have a garden, have a field
Come on, read a book today
So that the future becomes more brilliant

3. There is a crocodile hiding in the cave
Avoiding is the right choice
Listen to your parents' advice
So that you become strong

4. On the road, I accidentally met sugi leaves
Remember the benefits, then take them quickly
Without learning, there is nothing to lose
Except yourself in old age

5. At school there is a handsome young man
Leaving early in the morning was rushed
If you procrastinate work
Only the word too late will remain

6. Build a house with bricks
Many expenses will arise
Whatever our dreams are
Hopefully it will come true in the future

7. There are ducks in the river
Swimming ducks are common
Don't relax too much
Success will not be felt

8. Lots of small fish in the gutter
Don't forget to take it with a sieve
Happiness is very necessary
To get success

9. Play at a friend's house and borrow a spinning top
The house is in the middle of the city
Everyone has their own path to success
Just live and focus on our path

10. In the yard there are scissors
Used to cut paper
Parental advice is very important
For a straight path in life

11. He is playing
While his father was driving
If you live you have to be confident
So that you have the courage to always accompany you

12. The grandfather inherited a dagger
Guarded carefully
Don't be arrogant
Shunned by friends, that's for sure

13. Fresh meat at Jakarta Market
Purchased for an event
Never get bored of reading
Smartness comes naturally

14. There are bees, there are moths
There are stones, there are also clay
When you feel very tired
Give yourself encouragement

Examples of rhymes for advice about health, reminders for a better life.

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15. Exercise to keep your body healthy,
Cycling while carrying bread.
If you're tired, it's best to rest
While lying down calm your heart.

16. Cleaning the house is a tradition,
The event is definitely useful.
Consume nutritious food and drink,
Let your body be healthy.

17. In the morning eat fruit,
Eat the fruit with friends.
This disease can be prevented,
As long as you are disciplined in maintaining your health.

18. Want to garden and buy seeds,
The seeds were chosen as jasmine seeds.
Don't forget to drink lots of water,
Eliminate thirst without dehydration.

19. The morning call to prayer has been heard,
Let's go take a shower soon.
Let's take care of our body's health,
By eating nutritious food.

20. Go shopping and stop by in Yogya,
See lots of jasmine blooming.
Let's keep exercising,
So that your body is always fit.

21. Apples grow in the forest,
Group of animals enjoying.
Come on, always stay healthy,
Eat vegetables, fruit and bread.

22. Go on holiday with friends,
It turned out that it was raining lightly on the road.
Come on, always wash your hands,
Use soap, rub for 20 seconds.

23. Flowers grow by the roadside,
Petals wet from rain.
Don't like to snack carelessly,
Disease may come to your body.

24. Near the house there is a valley,
Makes it difficult to pass.
Don't forget to eat vegetables and fruit,
So that the body becomes stronger.

25. Bamboo sticks are made into stairs,
Rainwater in a jar.
Health is more valuable
Rather than wealth.

26. The kapok tree has thick flowers,
Falling onto a tomato tree.
If our body is healthy,
This life feels good.

27. The Taj Mahal Palace is truly beautiful,
Hit by the same bright light.
Health is very expensive,
If you are sick you will have to spend a lot of money.

Examples of advice poems about education.

Examples of advice poems about life  2024 freepik.com

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28. Longan fruit tastes delicious
Stored in a wide tray
There are rhymes for children
So that they study diligently

29. An arrow chases the deer
Apparently, the mouse deer was silent
Learn from when you were little
To be smart when you grow up

30. Buy lemongrass and galangal
Make it planted in deep soil
Knowledge is very broad
Starting from the deepest ocean

31. Vacation to West Kalimantan
For the sake of diamonds and also diamonds
Even if you continue to learn throughout your life
You will not get all the knowledge

32. The kitten was brought by a student
His friend saw that he was actually coughing
Smart kids always understand
Which is good and which is bad

33. The pillars of the house are very high
Taller than jasmine flowers
Knowledge must be sincerely sought
Then the reward is ready to wait

34. Ferrets in the house are not kept in cages
Feeling hungry and wanting to eat
Even if knowledge is as high as a mountain
It's useless if you don't practice it

35. Go to the market early in the morning
It's so wide that you get lost
If you want to be smart
Of course you have to study hard

36. Go to school with supplies
Before leaving, don't forget to have breakfast
Smart children are resourceful
He is a smart and agile student

37. There are eyes next to the ears
To see what it leads to
Knowledge is to be gained
Not just let it pass

38. Make clothes from cloth
To wear during Eid
Be a diligent child
Lots of knowledge, lots of friends

39. Pistol scope for aiming
Press the trigger with your finger
School is the best place
To seek knowledge and achieve dreams

40. Go to Bogor to buy taro
On the way it got caught in the rain
Don't be a lazy child
Later it will be difficult to absorb the lesson

How to compose good and correct rhymes.

Pantun is an old type of poetry that is popular among Malay people, including Indonesia. The word "pantun" comes from the Minangkabau language, "patuntun", which means "guide". Pantun has characteristics that differentiate it from other types of poetry, namely:

- Each rhyme stanza consists of four lines.

- The rhyme pattern of the pantun is abab, meaning the first and third lines rhyme, and the second and fourth lines rhyme.

- Consisting of sampiran and contents, the first two lines of the pantun are called sampiran, which functions as an introduction, while the last two lines are called contents, which contain the meaning or message to be conveyed.

The way to compose a rhyme is as follows:

1. Decide on a theme.

The first step when composing a poem is the theme. Themes can be free, such as love, friendship, nature, or everyday life. Choose a theme that is interesting and suits your abilities.

2. Choose the type of rhyme according to your preferences.

There are various types of rhymes, such as advice rhymes, humorous rhymes, figurative rhymes, and riddle rhymes. Choose a type of rhyme that suits the specified theme.

3. Make a rhyme cover.

The sampiran pantun are the first two lines that are not directly related to the content of the pantun. The sampiran functions to convey the content of the rhyme. Make sure the sampiran has the same rhyme as the content of the rhyme. For example:
Sparrows fly high, (draped)
Looking for food in the morning. (draped)

4. Write the content of the poem.

The content of the pantun is the part that contains the message or meaning that you want to convey. The content of the pantun is usually located in the last two lines (third and fourth lines). Make sure the content of the poem is clear, concise and easy to understand. For example, you choose an advice type rhyme with an educational theme. Start by writing the cover and then fill it in. Sampiran does not need to be related to the content, the most important thing is to have a clear rhyme pattern. Example:
Be diligent in studying and studying, (Content)
So that your life is full of meaning (Content)

5. Pay attention to the characteristics of rhymes.

Pantun has several distinctive characteristics, namely:

- Each stanza consists of four lines.

- Each line consists of 8-12 syllables.

- The end rhyme of each line is abab.

- The first and second rows are draped.

- The third and fourth lines are the content.

6. Pay attention to diction.

Use good and polite diction and language when writing rhymes. Avoid using harsh or offensive words.

7. Read and correct rhymes.

After you have finished writing the rhyme, read it again carefully. Correct any errors or deficiencies. Ask someone else to read and then provide input on your rhyme.

8. Practice.

The more you practice, the more skilled you will be at making rhymes. Don't be afraid to be creative by using various words and sentences.
