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A good poem only rhymes, but has meaning.

  30 Mei 2024 17:40

Brilio.net - An application is a special and memorable moment in someone's life. The reason is that the moment the two couples exchange rings is a sign that the lovebirds are bound by a promise to get married soon.

Not only that, the proposal event is also a time for the two families to get together, get to know each other better, and convey good wishes to the couple who are starting a new life.

Generally, a proposal has several series of events, such as a welcome from the family, asking for blessings and several other entertainment interludes. One of them is pantun , this old poetry is often used to add warmth and joy to the proposal event.

Through rhymes you can lighten the atmosphere, bring laughter, or insert messages full of deep meaning. A good rhyme for a proposal is not just a series of rhyming words, but also contains philosophy and good wishes for the bride and groom.

Here are 40 good rhymes for applications, as reported by brilio.net from various sources, Thursday (30/5).

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1. Beautiful roses in the garden,
Butterflies come together.
Today we come application,
Asking for blessings and also hope.

2. There is sugar and there are ants
Ants die in the stomach
I'm applying, please welcome
Don't let it wilt and shrink

3. Flying birds hunt fish
Then landed in the room
I'll tell you frankly
I've wanted to propose for a long time

4. Selling papaya is not selling well
Selling long hairy bamboo
What's wrong with me?
Look at you, he remembered the prince

5. Traveling in a Lamborghini
He wore it while running
Try looking into my eyes
You're the only one I'm looking for

6. Came to the market with a cauldron
Bought seven by the Regent
When we met for the first time
The desire for marriage blooms in the heart

7. The road to Jogja City is smooth
Watching rhinos catch geese
Please accept my sincere proposal
If you refuse, I will force you

8. The tiger threw the cup
Chinese monkey styling hair
The days are always gloomy, friend
If the application is not accepted

9. Carry dates on camel's back
There are a bunch of them, although they don't match
First meeting, straight to love
I hope my application is accepted

10. Mango fruit kweni fruit
Bananas stolen by deer
Please accept my ring
If not, I'll feel the pain

11. There is a mountain, here is a mountain
In the middle there is a teak tree
How my heart is confused
Waiting for the heart's answer

12. If you want to meet Mr Erwin
Must watch Upin Ipin
If you want a dowry
I also prepared the proposal poem

13. Take a trip to Paris
Stop for a moment in the city of Pariaman
Oh you sweet one
Can I take you to the altar?

14. Grandma received Raskin assistance
Then cook it as delicious as possible
Don't ignore my application
My soul must be poor

15. Selling papaya is not selling well
But my heart never doubted
If you were my partner
My life will be full of happiness

16. Jasmine flowers smell delicious
In a beautiful and quiet garden
You are true love
Let's be together until the end of time

17. Grilled fish, stir-fried
Slice until finished
Want to propose, drizzling rain
Thin wallets are increasingly critical.

18. Watch the film Dilan yourself
Called mother asking for newspapers
We've only met for a day
But I can't wait to propose.

19. Take a trip to the city of Switzerland
Saw a vendor selling brownies
Even if death is at the end of the keris
As long as you get a sweet lady.

20. My father's mother became a farmer
Going to the moors never gets boring
This is really happy
When I'm on the aisle with you.

21. Gelatin flour has been steamed
Purple in color, delicious taste
The wedding night must be focused
Forget about the debt installments first.

22. Opponents compete in the game
The line is shifted slightly to the right
Have a good time walking down the aisle
Finally free from the cold.

23. Long has his langsat been inclined,
Only now does the stem fall.
It's been a long time in my mind,
only now is it permitted by Allah.

24. From Pauh stop by Permatang,
Stop by the steering board.
From far away I come,
because sir is kind.

25. Dinghy boat downstream of the cape,
Loaded with rigging.
Greetings composed betel jungjung,
What did you want to come here for?

26. The house of the empress's grandfather
become the focus of traders
I won't come here
desire to come and propose

A good poem for a proposal, makes the event more exciting and full of meaning.

Nice poem for proposal  2024 freepik.com

photo: freepik.com

27. If the fruit falls in pairs,
Reaching the ground just rolled.
We thank God,
Come we are welcomed.

28. At night put on the lamp,
The lamp is mounted on the chest.
if it has been said,
Please explain your heart's desire.

29. More fire smoke.
higher than a coconut tree
The hope of the heart is higher.
for you to accept

30. Punished by verses of the Qur'an
When preaching as a guide
Assalamu'alaikum I say
Dear host

31. Buy charcoal at the Kodim market
Bake kikil for Mak Minah
Here many men wear Muslim clothes,
Who is the host representative?

32. Like a poem, once the sail is expanded
Do not recede backwards
Apparently, father planted flowers
One flower attracts beetles

33. From Kulim came to Kubang

Many houses are fenced
Come not just come
We came to propose

34. Not just any kajang
Kajang was cut down by the beach
This bachelor is not just any bachelor
Our bachelor is a prospective bridegroom

35. From North Sumatra visit Kampar
Dry water looks muddy
Don't worry about dowry
In our house there is still a well ring

36. Nets are spread at dusk
Get catfish and gourami fish
Because the application has been accepted
He smiled until his teeth were visible

37. Rambutan fruit tastes sweet
Do not climb the slippery tree
Because the application has been accepted
He couldn't wait to put on the ring

38. A coconut tree stands upright
Growing on the beach the water is salty
He had been insisting for a long time
Can't wait for the wedding day

39. Farmer's children playing in the rain
Plant and grow cookies
He has been holding back for a long time
Want to get married this year

40. Cambodian flowers are beautiful and captivating
Grows in Muara Takus
They have investigated
Schedule a wedding in August

The rhyme reason is often used in courtship events.

As additional information, here are the reasons why poems are always used in marriage and proposal events, including:

1. Generational tradition.

The use of puntun in Betawi culture and regions such as Halmahera has been around for a long time, and this tradition continues to this day, including in marriage ceremonies. Rhymes are considered a polite way to convey the purpose of proposing to someone.

2. Dilute the atmosphere more cheerful.

Poems have rhymes and poems that sometimes use beautiful words that seem funny to add to the warmth of the proposal event. Through the poem, it is hoped to reduce the tension for both parties, both the applicant and the proposed party.

3. A unique and effective way.

Not infrequently, poems are considered more effective in the eyes of the community. Because, very rarely anyone wants to use this poem. Especially poems that are made wholeheartedly and suit the character of the prospective partner so that they give a deep and unforgettable impression.

4. Maintaining Cultural Values

Poetry is one of the cultural wealth of the nation that needs to be preserved and protected so that it does not become extinct. When poems are more often used in marriage ceremonies, it becomes an effective step in preserving the cultural values that exist in Indonesia.
