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Javanese pantun is also entertaining because of its unique, well-structured form.

  30 Mei 2024 16:40

Brilio.net - Pantun is an old poem that has long been used by Indonesian people. One of the tribes that usually uses pantun is Javanese. Javanese pantuns are part of Indonesia's rich oral literary heritage. Javanese pantun has the characteristic of being entertaining because of its ability to describe everyday life situations in a funny and intriguing way.

Through the use of simple but clever words, Javanese pantun is able to present a familiar picture of life for its listeners, thereby triggering laughter and smiles. Javanese pantun often contains satire or a moral message conveyed in a creative and indirect way.

These moral messages are often hidden behind funny and intelligent words, so that the reader or listener is invited to think more deeply about the meaning contained therein. The distinctive style of language which is often full of parables makes Javanese pantun an effective means of entertaining and conveying messages in a way that tickles the minds of the listeners.

Javanese pantun is also entertaining because of its unique form which is well structured, but still flexible. The distinctive sound patterns, the play of Javanese characters, and the pleasant rhythm make Javanese pantun an interesting and entertaining literary work for anyone who reads or listens to it.

If you are still confused about what Javanese pantun looks like, don't worry, brilio.net provides several examples summarizing from various sources, Thursday (30/5).

Javanese pantun is entertaining

Javanese pantun entertains freepik.com

photo: freepik.com

1. Jenenge urip must be a trial
Yen akeh saweran kui jenenge dangdutan.

It means:

The name of life is full of trials
If there is a lot of giving, it is called dangdutan.

2. Abdul Somad lectures in East Java
My body's weapons are strong and my heart is strong.

It means:

Abdul Somad gave a lecture in East Java,
Even though my body is strong, my heart is still fragile.

3. Harvest brambang
accommodated by godong
Wes is overbearing darling
Uwong even took him away.

It means:

Brambang harvest,
In Godong,
Already very loved,
In fact, someone stole it.

4. Saiki dino kemis
wayahe pay the debt,
A man without a mustache
like a sky without stars.

It means:

It's Thursday now,
It's time to pay the debt,
Man without mustache,
Like a sky without stars.

5. Entut mambu
lots of noise
Kadung mlebu
I'm too lazy to rep the seat.

It means:

Smelly farts
Be noisy,
Already entered,
I feel lazy sitting.

6. Bookie Market
Monument Market
Atiku disappeared
Mergo your slira.

It means:

City Market,
Monument Market,
My heart is broken,
Because of you.

7. Tuku gedang chips
green wrap
Tiwas mbribik ngasi stay up late jebul wis nduwe bojo.

It means:

Buying gedang chips,
The packaging is green,
Hoping to reflect while staying up late,
Finally you have a life partner.

8. Sing iki flowers
sing along with the glass
Come here, darling
sing kono sing happy ending.

It means:

This one is a flower,
That one's a rock,
The one there who is loved,
Those over there are actually happy.

9. Jaran braids
I don't know if I'm fussy
Earning money is easy
Entuke the angel.

It means:

Leathered horse
No fuss
Making money is easy
Collecting is difficult.

10. Japanese motorbike
tenacious machine
It's easy to borrow
nagihe sing mbulet.

It means:

Japanese motorbike
The machine is nimble
Borrowing money is easy
Paying for it is a hassle.

11. Buto green
left school
Ra nduwe bojo
no problem.

It means:

Buto green
Go to school
No boyfriend
Does not matter.

12. Sego liwet, lawuhe jlantah
Sega rawon, not enough.
Oh my gosh, when are you getting married?
Mawon's girlfriend, kulo dereng gadah.

It means:

The food is soft, the fruit is crushed,
Rawon is fresh, less filling.
It's a shame to postpone getting married,
I haven't even found a boyfriend yet.

13. Holding kloso, lungguh wong papat
Dino Tuesday, come on, cheer up.

It means:

Rolled cloth waiting for four people
Come on, keep your spirits up on Tuesday.

14. Gatotkoco
manganese gombong
Grandma's crazy
ojo maybe trimo ndomblong.

It means:

Gatotkoco eats gombong
If friends
Don't just receive but give too.

15. Work intentions
Don't look for perkoro.

It means:

Intention to work
Not looking for fault.

16. Intention to gain good fortune
don't look for rai.

It means:

Intention to seek fortune
Not looking for taste.

17. Intention to golek dhuwit
don't get sick.

It means:

Intention to make money
Not looking for disease.

18. A book
some knowledge
Just hang out with you
just a teacher.

It means:

A book
A volume of knowledge
A volume of knowledge
A volume of teachers.

19. Seje teacher
a kind of inventor
Just an inventor
Seje sing singuyu.

It means:

A teacher
An inventor
One who seeks
Someone who is bullied.

20. Urip kui
pretending to be busy, pretending to be quiet
Yen can do it
I can't afford to be left drinking coffee.

It means:

This life
Sometimes busy, sometimes quiet
If it can be done
No need to be left out for coffee.

Hilarious Javanese pantun

Javanese pantun entertains freepik.com

photo: freepik.com

21. Yen duwe horse
Ojo was roughed up
Initially, I was looking for suggestions
finally dated.

It means:

If you have a girlfriend
Don't look for it
Initially looking for advice
Finally found a boyfriend.

22. Yen bases wis lazy
it's not legal to dance
Yen uripmu wis fales
doesn't need to be digital.

It means:

If the basics are lazy
No need to push
If your life is successful
No need to push.

23. Roof plate
wadhahe bakmi
Karepe nembung
even kneaded it.

It means:

Container containing noodles
Expect looking
Even attacked.

24. Can sing
can sing
Can live
can't match.

It means:

Can sing
Can hum
Can see
Can't be side by side.

25. Golek banyu on the edge of the river
Dinggo felt very warm.

It means:

Looking for water on the river bank
The cold taste is delicious.

26. Kowe ojo nganti lali
Mergo, I really love you.

It means:

Never forget
Because I really love you.

27. Tambas tamarind vegetables
then pay
Keep it cool
the heart is lost.

It means:

tamarind vegetable water
Forgot not to pay
Keep smiling
Even though my heart is broken.

28. Ngarit suket
because of the brakes
Yen is not neat
I'm ra marem.

It means:

Guarding the clump
With your eyes closed
If not close
I didn't sleep.

29. The car is stuck
ra isoh racing
Raine was pale
didn't have breakfast.

It means:

The car is stuck
Can't race
Pale face
Haven't had breakfast yet.

30. Don't spinach
cracked crackers
It's calm
but my heart is broken.

It means:

Don't be too gentle
Eat crackers
Faced with meat
But my heart is broken.

Javanese pantun is full of meaning

Javanese pantun entertains freepik.com

photo: freepik.com

31. Don't think that you're not beautiful
What was missed instead moved.

It means:

Don't rush it's not beautiful
What is missed is gone.

32. Tuku manganese
adohe cursed Germany
No need to be charming
The important thing is to get food, clothing and clothing.

It means:

Buying food
Stir like a German
No need to charm
The important thing is to be able to find daily food.

33. Crackles in a bucket
Your nose is flat and your nose is dower.

It means:

Crackles in the bucket
Your nose is flat, your lips are thick.

34. Neng pandan
Phone call
bojone clergy.

It means:

Buy pandan
To buy rounds
Call yourself
His voice sounded far away.

35. Kloso pandan
taline limo
Arepo udan
keep it up Makaryo.

It means:

Pandan clothes
Come up with five
Even if it rains
Keep working.

36. Mangan peek
Karo Klopo
Dadi wong urip

It means:

Eat papaya
With coconut
So humans live

37. Lungo herbal medicine shop
Order a gari siji limo
Grandma, I'm tresno marang sliramu
why don't you have to do this?

It means:

Go to the stall to buy herbal medicine
Order five, pay one
If I love you
Does it have to be like this.

38. Say goodbye to Seturan
Jebule dolan nang Palagan
My heart is full again
Tangi Saur must keep going.

It means:

Say goodbye to Seturan
Then play at Palagan
Even though my heart is in turmoil
Still have to keep going.

39. Sego bancakan
Mas Rian swallowed it
It doesn't matter if I have a goal
Jebul might not be able to run away.

It means:

Bancakan rice
Cooked by Mas Rian
I don't know my destination
At first it was just to escape.

40. Tuku Kayu Neng Cedhak Triwindu Market
You are not alone, I'm here with you.

It means:

Buy wood at Triwindu Market,
You are not alone, I am here with you.

Tips for learning a new language

Learning a new language is a very exciting and challenging experience. Not only does it open the door to cross-cultural communication, but it also presents the opportunity to explore the world from a new perspective. However, amidst the challenges you may face, you can use tips for learning a new language.

1. set clear goals

Determine the reason why you want to learn the language. Is it for work, on holiday, or out of personal interest? Clear goals will help you stay motivated.

2. Learn the basics of the language

Start by learning the basics of the language, such as the alphabet, basic grammar, and general vocabulary. You can use books, applications, or online learning resources.

3. Practice every day

Practice the language every day to strengthen your skills. You can listen to songs, watch movies or TV shows, read books, or take language classes.

4. Give it enough time

Remember that learning a new language takes time and patience. Give yourself enough time to learn and don't be too hard on yourself if you don't get the hang of it right away.

5. Enjoy the learning process

Enjoy the process of learning a new language. Make this experience an opportunity to explore a new culture, meet new people, and develop yourself personally.
