The unique taste of herbal boba attracts customers

  18 Mei 2021 15:00

Hello friend Brilio,

The city of Yogyakarta continues to present interesting new culinary delights to enjoy. The team will take you to a unique and eccentric drink shop located in Kotagede, Yogyakarta. Initiated by young people from Yogyakarta, this shop which started operating in early 2021 is named Boba Cok.

This is different from other places that provide boba topped with milk or chocolate. Here, boba is used as a complement to herbal medicine. Traditional herbal medicine combined with chewy boba makes the sensation unforgettable. Boba Cok provides various herbal boba variants. There are also other boba variants that you can enjoy.

This boba creation also received a positive response from the public. Because of its uniqueness, dozens of glasses can be sold out in a day. Not a few customers from outside the city are curious about this drink. The prices offered are very affordable and friendly for student wallets, which definitely won't break the bank.

Are you curious about what the herbal boba drink concoction is like? Come on, watch the full video!
