Professionally managed, this noodle business serves delicious noodle dishes in a comfortable atmosphere

  27 Oktober 2021 17:00

Hello Brilio Friends,

Bakmi Jawa is one of the foods sought after by culinary connoisseurs who visit Yogyakarta. Almost every street corner in Yogyakarta will definitely find a Javanese noodle stall. Presenting a traditional Javanese concept in its building, Bakmi Jawa Mas Joyo is one of the noodle places that is quite famous among noodle culinary lovers. Not only does it provide a comfortable place, delicious food is also the reason customers keep coming back.

Unlike other Javanese noodles which are owned by individuals, Bakmi Jawa Mas Joyo is owned by a mosque, you know. This Javanese noodle business also supports the activities carried out by the Joyopranan Mosque which is located in the oldest village in Yogyakarta. Bakmi Jawa Mas Joyo was initiated by the takmir of the Joyopranan mosque and supported by the local community. Even though it is a mosque charity business, its management is carried out professionally and provides a place to eat Javanese noodles that is delicious and suitable for Javanese noodles fans.

Are you curious about what the special menu at this place is like? Come on, watch the full video!
