Lyrics of the indie song Pulang dari Float, became the OST for the film 3 Days for Forever
Lyrics of song Di Ambang Karam by Amygdala
7 Men who are rumored to be close to Raline Shah, allegedly married to billionaires and ended in divorce
9 Facts about Brian Armstrong who is suspected of being married to Raline Shah, has wealth of more than IDR 181 trillion
Take advantage of 3 additional kitchen ingredients, this is how to cook beef tripe soup so it's not tough and doesn't smell gamey.
It only takes 15 minutes, this is how to marinate chicken so that the spices are perfectly absorbed and it is tender even without boiling.
How to store langsat fruit so that it stays smooth, sweet, and doesn't rot easily using 1 kitchen ingredient
Praised as cute as a kid, here are 9 portraits of Kiky Saputri showing off her baby bump at 5 months pregnant
Pregnant with twins at the age of 37, 9 portraits of Mpok Alpa showing off her baby bump are praised f
The long aftermath of Soimah's 44th birthday party, Denny Caknan & Gilga fans feud, Soimah gives clarification
Simple but special, the contents of the gift packages for Denny Caknan's children's tedak siten event have drawn praise
10 Moments of the Cundamani tedhak siten procession of Denny Caknan and Bella's child, the items taken became the focus
Tricks for boiling beef tendons without a pressure cooker so they become tender quickly and save gas
How to boil beef tendon so it doesn't smell and is non-stick using one type of fruit
Trying out a new hairstyle, Nagita Slavina's nose actually makes netizens lose focus, saying it's getting sharper