foto: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

Scale buildup is usually caused by the mineral content in the water.

  2 Januari 2025 10:00 - Shower head is one of the most overlooked items in the bathroom. In fact, regular use and continuous exposure to water make the shower head susceptible to the buildup of scale and moss. When scale and moss begin to cover the small holes in the shower head, the water flow that comes out is not only uneven but also polluted.

The buildup of scale is usually caused by the mineral content in the water, such as calcium and magnesium. Meanwhile, moss can grow due to high humidity and the warm environment in the bathroom. These two problems not only reduce the efficiency of the shower head, but also have the potential to be a source of bacteria and other microorganisms that can be carried by the water we use for bathing. As a result, the water that should clean the body can actually become dirty and unhygienic.

To maintain the cleanliness of the shower head , regular cleaning is highly recommended. Cleaning the shower head at least once a month can help prevent the buildup of scale and moss. If you are confused, you can use the technique from the netizen Instagram user @rumah.kamali in keeping the shower clean.

Through one of the uploaded videos, the netizen admitted to routinely cleaning the shower with simple ingredients found in the kitchen. Who would have thought, this simple ingredient can make the crust and moss on the inside of the shower completely disappear. In addition to making it smooth, the water produced is also cleaner.

how to keep shower clean  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

As reported by from Instagram @rumah.kamali on Wednesday (1/1), the first thing to do is to dismantle the shower head first. After that, pour vinegar into the shower through the hole at the bottom. If so, sprinkle salt on the surface of the shower that is full of scale. Then rub it evenly.

how to keep shower clean  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

Next, compress the part shaving cream to remove the smell. If not, you can use regular soap. After that, prepare a clear plastic and fill it with vinegar again. Then insert the tip of the shower head into it and tie the top of the plastic using rubber. Well, let it sit for about 1 hour.

how to keep shower clean  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

After letting it sit, remove the shower and scrub the surface with an old toothbrush and toothpick. You can also clean the shower hole at the bottom using cotton buds to remove any remaining moss. Now, for maximum results, clean the inside of the shower with shampoo.

how to keep shower clean  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

The method is, pour shampoo into the shower through the bottom hole. After that, attach the hose and shake it for a while. Then, turn on the water to remove the remaining shampoo and dirt from the inside of the shower. Finally, rinse with hot water to make it more sterile. That way, the shower becomes cleaner and free of scale.

"Clean and odor-free. Do it regularly for maximum results," said Instagram @rumah.kamali.

Having been viewed more than 135 thousand times, this video on how to keep the shower clean has immediately caught the attention of netizens. Many other Instagram users then gave direct responses through the comments column. Most even admitted that they often ignore it and are interested in trying to clean it directly.

"Wow, thank you for sharing," said Instagram @home_syafasya.

"Wow, it's instantly clean and shiny without any effort, thanks for the tips, dear," said Instagram user @nurkhoiriyah29.

"I like to skip cleaning the shower head," wrote the Instagram account @bumi.sagara.

"Oh my, I haven't cleaned it yet," commented the Instagram account @casaagastya.

"Wow, I have to save this, thank you for the tips," said Instagram user @rumapintubiru.
