The house is like a Roman royal palace

  24 Juli 2024 15:25

Dave Stanley recently told about the traumatic incident that happened to him. On February 4 2024, he and his foreign friend from Korea were beaten by 6 youths in Kota Baru Parahyangan, West Java, because they were accused of committing obscene acts in the car.

In fact, according to Dave, what actually happened was that his girlfriend's car broke down. Dave also shared several photos showing his entire battered face.

This case immediately became the focus of netizens, considering that Dave is not just anyone. Dave Stanley is often referred to as the Crazy Rich TikToker. This is because in some content on his social media, Dave often shows off his luxurious lifestyle, including his residence.

The 24-year-old man is known to live in a magnificent house with four floors with his mother, who is a single parent. The house is like a Roman palace where every corner is filled with luxurious and classic accents.

Even so, a different nuance is displayed in the bedroom. What does Dave Stanley's room look like? The following is a portrait summarized by from YouTube BW, Tuesday (23/7).
