
If not done with correct posture, ironing can cause pain and muscle fatigue.

  31 Juli 2024 17:00

For some people, ironing is a tiring household activity. Not without reason, the ironing process requires quite a lot of attention and concentration. You even have to pay attention to every part of the clothing to make sure all the wrinkles are gone and the fabric is not damaged .

Ironing while standing for a long time while bending over can cause tension in the muscles of the back, shoulders and arms. If not done with correct posture, ironing can cause pain and muscle fatigue. Therefore, ironing takes a lot of energy and of course time.

Even though you know, there is a trick to ironing so that clothes can become slippery quickly. Interestingly, this trick doesn't require any extra effort, you know. This trick was shared by mothers via the Instagram account @ratnatjahyo. In one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he relied on a kitchen appliance to make the ironing process easier.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @ratnatjahyo on Wednesday (31/7), the kitchen tool in question is aluminum foil. Yup! Aluminum foil paper, which is often used to wrap food, can be used to simplify the process of ironing clothes to save time and energy.


Not only that, using aluminum foil under the ironing pad helps spread the heat more evenly across the surface of the fabric. This will eliminate the need to re-iron the same piece, as wrinkles can be removed in one go. As a result, you can complete the ironing process faster with better results.

