Being on a path that is filled with bushes on both sides.

  31 Juli 2024 12:45

Pegi Setiawan can now breathe a sigh of relief after winning the pretrial in the Vina Cirebon murder case. After being released as a suspect in the murder case that killed Vina and Ekky, the figure of Pegi Setiawan attracted a lot of attention. He is often invited to be a guest star by various YouTubers.

Not only that, his figure, which is now increasingly recognized by the public, makes him look like a celebrity because many people invite him to take photos. Moreover, now his appearance has undergone many changes after being caught undergoing facial treatment at a beauty clinic.

One thing that has not changed is the portrait of Pegi Setiawan's residence in Cirebon, West Java. Situated on a path that is filled with bushes on either side, it looks like the residence is far from luxurious. In fact, some of the walls still look like bricks. Only the front is painted green.

The following summarizes from various sources on Tuesday (31/7) the appearance of Pegi Setiawan's house.
