foto: TikTok/

This simple trick is certainly much more effective than water and toothpaste. The cleaning process is also easy and safe, of course.

  12 April 2024 16:00 - Irons are equipment that emit high heat. That's why there are a number of clothes or fabrics that should not be ironed, because they can melt. If this happens, usually fabric materials that melt easily will stick to the iron and make this tool no longer slippery when used.

Many people try to clean sticky stains on the iron by washing it with water or rubbing it with toothpaste. These two methods are not necessarily safe to use, especially if you use water, there is a risk that water could enter the ironing machine and cause a short circuit. Well, you don't need to worry because there are other tricks to get rid of sticky stains on the iron.

One of the tricks was shared by a netizen in a post on the TikTok account After all, this trick is easy to practice because it only relies on one type of kitchen spice.

The first thing you have to do is heat the iron first. While waiting for the iron to get hot, you can prepare a piece of paper. Then, sprinkle the paper with a handful of table salt. Yup, salt is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing tricks for cleaning sticky stains on an iron.

Tricks for cleaning sticky stains  TikTok

Tricks for cleaning sticky stains

When the iron is hot, gently rub it directly into the salt. Gradually, the sticky stains on the iron will fall off due to rubbing against the salt. Do this process several times until the iron shines again.

"The sticky stains are falling off more and more, keep rubbing," said the owner of the TikTok/ account, quoted by BrilioFood on ___ (X/X).

Tricks for cleaning sticky stains  TikTok

Tricks for cleaning sticky stains

How about it, this trick for cleaning sticky stains on an iron is really practical, isn't it? Taking a peek at the TikTok upload, there aren't many comments from netizens yet, but this video has been watched more than 8,000 times. #tipsmengatasessetrikalengket #tipsandtricks #setrikalengket #tips #tipsbuatkamu Swear By It - Chris Alan Lee

How to clean other furniture with salt.

Salt is not only useful for cleaning sticky stains on irons, but also other household furniture, you know. Here's how to clean using salt that you can try at home.

1. Plates and bowls.

Table salt can be used to remove stubborn stains on plates and bowls. Just sprinkle table salt on the dirty surface, then rub with a damp sponge or cloth.

2. Glass.

If there are drink stains or other dirt on the glass, mix table salt with warm water and use the mixture to clean the glass with a sponge or rag.

3. Pots and pans.

Table salt can help remove stubborn stains on the surface of pots and pans. Sprinkle table salt on the dirty surface, then scrub with a sponge or bristled brush.

4. Ceramics and porcelain.

To clean ceramic or porcelain, mix table salt with warm water and use the mixture to clean the surface of the furniture. Rub with a sponge or rag, then rinse with clean water.

5. Lavabo and bath.

Table salt can also be used to clean lavabos and bathtubs. Mix table salt with a little water and use the mixture as a cleaner. Scrub the surface with a sponge or brush, then rinse with clean water.
