Unsplash/Devi Puspita Amartha Yahya

Homemade MPASI usually does not contain preservatives.

  26 Juli 2024 18:00

MPASI (complementary food for breast milk) is usually made at home using natural and high-quality ingredients . Reporting from earlystartgroup.com, food that is made by yourself tends to have higher nutrition than processed products. Not to mention, homemade MPASI also does not contain preservatives.

This is also implemented by the TikTok account user @ptrkhansa14. One of the dishes that these mothers made was peanut butter. He deliberately made this homemade peanut butter to spread on bread for his son's MPASI, who was not even a year old.

However, instead of being successful, the peanut butter made by the woman known as Mama Khalid turned out to be a mess. He admitted that he was confused about why his peanut butter failed. What's even sadder is that the child really rejected the bread dish with homemade peanut butter from the first bite, you know.

"Try it, Mum, Mum, Dad, brothers and sisters... it's clear why this failed :)!! A LITTLE KZL... but that's okay... because I'm not going to try it again HAHAH," he wrote in the video caption, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @ptrkhansa14 on Friday (26/7).


When it was served to the child, sure enough, the baby automatically shook his head because he didn't want to eat the bread with homemade peanut butter. "Even though I knew from the start, it seemed like the peanut butter would be really hard, but never mind, let's just live this life, and it turns out he really refused, he didn't even want a bite, look," said the owner of the TikTok account @ptrkhansa14 . Reporting from food52.com, there are various reasons why peanut butter can fail when made, for example not taking enough time to smooth it, so the consistency of the jam is not soft. On the other hand, peeking at the comments column of @ptrkhansa14's TikTok upload, several netizens also shared various tricks so that processed peanut butter doesn't fail.

