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The reason why parents give food to babies is because they do not breastfeed exclusively.

  21 Mei 2024 07:00

Brilio.net - When a baby is 6 months old , it is important for parents to always control and maintain the baby's intake. Babies aged 6 months must consume breast milk (ASI). Breast milk is the main food to provide nutrition to babies so that the baby's growth develops optimally.

However, most parents feel anxious and give food to babies aged less than 6 months. Reported by brilio.net from yankes.kemkes.go.id, said that the reason why parents provide food is not fundamental and in fact they do not exclusively breastfeed their babies.

As uploaded by the TikTok account @rullyjember which shows a 10 day old baby being given porridge food. From this incident, many netizens regretted their actions. Therefore, parents must know what the risks and impacts are of giving baby food before the age of 6 months.

Dangers of feeding babies before 6 months of age

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photo: freepik.com

1. Food infection

In general, babies under 6 months old have an open intestine. This can be an entry point for microorganisms to infect the digestive tract. As a result, the baby will become sick if given food.

2. Constipation

The next danger is that if parents give food such as MPASI before 6 months, it can have fatal consequences such as constipation. The digestive enzymes of babies less than 6 months old are not yet perfect, making them vulnerable to the baby's health. The food given will not be digested properly and accumulate as waste.

3. Obesity

If babies are given food before 6 months, the risk is obesity. The food consumed cannot be digested properly because the organ function is not yet perfect. As a result, the food breakdown process is disrupted. Most foods are likely to be processed into fat.

4. Susceptible to illness

A baby's body organs before 6 months do not function optimally. If given food, the baby is easily contaminated by disease germs. Providing unhygienic food to babies can actually make them susceptible to illness, because the immune system cannot fight well. If this condition is left alone and not treated, the baby could experience digestive problems.

5. Digestion is imperfect

The digestive process of babies under 6 months is not yet perfect so digestion will be carried out forcefully by the baby. The baby's digestive organs are not ready to accept solid food. If the mother forces MPASI, the process of breaking down food into juices will also be disrupted. The possible risk is that the baby will experience constipation, constipation, diarrhea and pass gas repeatedly.

6. Blockage of blood vessels (Asteriosclerosis)

Babies who are given food at less than 6 months of age can increase the risk of asteriosclerosis, a condition where the arteries become blocked by plaque, as a result of being given food with excessive cholesterol.

7. Hypertension

The chance of a baby developing hypertension is relatively low. However, it does not rule out the possibility that babies who are given too much food under 6 months can trigger hypertension. This could be due to the influence of giving savory, salty foods or foods with high cholesterol.

8. Diarrhea

A baby's organs before 6 months are organs that do not yet function perfectly. If given too much food it can cause diarrhea. This can occur due to several factors, for example a bacterial infection in the intestines or the digestive organs not functioning optimally.

9. Flatulence

Babies aged 6 months and under have the potential to get flatulence if they are given food. This condition occurs due to food that cannot be broken down perfectly. So the effect is that waste will accumulate in the stomach and trigger bloating.

10. Fever

Food given to babies less than 6 months old can cause fever. This condition occurs because bacteria enter the intestines and infect them, triggering inflammation. If this happens, the baby's immune system will try to produce antibodies to fight and the effect will be fever.

11. Decreased appetite

When internal organs such as the pancreas are unable to produce digestive enzymes optimally, the process of breaking down food is also disrupted. A lot of food will be processed into fat and stored in the stomach. The effect is that the baby will feel bloated.

12. Catch a cold

Infections resulting from babies under 6 months being given food can result in colds. Generally, a baby who has a cold will show signs of fussiness, difficulty sleeping, body appearance sluggish, and reduced appetite.

13. Sudden death syndrome

The danger of feeding babies is sudden death syndrome. This could happen because the baby chokes on food or the food accumulates excessively in the stomach, causing the digestive organs to become disturbed or even damaged.

14. Sleep disorders

Infections caused by babies being given food at less than 6 months of age are sleep disorders. The consequences that can occur are that the body will feel weak and the head will feel dizzy so that it will also be difficult for him to close his eyes.

Signs that your baby is ready to eat

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photo: freepik.com

When babies reach about six months of age, they begin to show signs of readiness to begin their culinary adventures. This is an important moment in their development because they are ready to expand their diet from just breast milk or formula to solid foods. The following are signs that a baby is ready to eat.

1. The child can sit up straight

A sign that a baby can have MPASI is that he can sit upright or in an upright position. It is important to remember that when the baby sits, his body is strong enough to support him so that his head does not fall.

2. The child shows interest in eating

If the child has shown an interest in eating, then in that situation the baby can be given food.

Benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for babies under 6 months

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photo: freepik.com

Breast milk is a very valuable nutrition for newborn babies. Exclusive breastfeeding for babies aged 0 to 6 months has a vital role in the baby's development in terms of health. The benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for babies are as follows.

1. Prevent disease

Exclusive breastfeeding has a role in increasing the baby's immune system. Exclusive breastfeeding can prevent diseases that threaten the baby's health. Breast milk contains natural antibodies that help fight infections and protect babies from various viruses and bacteria that can be detrimental to their health.

2. Supports baby's brain and physical development

It is also important to give exclusive breast milk to the baby because it improves the baby's brain and physical development. During the first 6 months, babies are prohibited from consuming nutrients other than breast milk. Therefore, babies who are given exclusive breast milk have a significant impact on their little one's brain and physical growth in the future.

3. Improve the baby's immune system

Exclusive breast milk contains substances that strengthen the baby's immunity. Breast milk helps protect babies from the risk of infections and common diseases that attack a weaker immune system.

4. Reduces the risk of allergies and chronic diseases

Exclusive breastfeeding can also help reduce the baby's risk of developing food allergies, asthma and other chronic diseases. Substances contained in breast milk such as immunoglobulins can help protect babies from allergens and relieve allergic reactions that may occur.
