
Many people often neglect the technique of storing cheese.

  5 Agustus 2024 17:00

Cheese is a versatile dairy product. Not only is it used as a complement to various dishes, cheese is also often used as the main ingredient in a number of dishes. Because it is so rich in nutrients, cheese is also an important source of protein and calcium in your daily diet.

Even though it has many variations in texture, the cheese commonly used by the public is usually soft in texture. With a soft texture, cheese is easier to use and mix for various dishes. Therefore, this type of cheese must be stored properly so that it can be used for a long time.

Unfortunately, many people often ignore cheese storage techniques. As a result, the soft texture of the cheese can turn hard because it is not packaged properly. In fact, when cheese is exposed to air, especially for a long time or at inappropriate temperature conditions, the moisture can evaporate and cause it to turn hard or dry.

The hardened condition of the cheese makes it difficult to use. As a result, quite a few people choose to just throw away the cheese. However, did you know that this cheese can actually be used after it has been softened again.

An Instagram user @oyku_pu3 once shared a simple trick for softening cheese that is already dry. This was revealed through one of the uploaded videos. He admitted that he only needed one type of drink to soften the cheese without changing its original taste.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @oyku_pu3 on Monday (5/8), the drink ingredient used to soften cheese is milk. Yup, he uses milk to change the texture of the cheese to make it more suitable for reuse.


So, after storing it in the refrigerator, immediately place the container containing the cheese. Then open the lid and take out the cheese inside. The cheese looks softer than before. That way, the cheese can be immediately reused for various kinds of dishes. Basically, milk contains quite high amounts of water. When cheese is soaked in milk, it absorbs moisture from the milk, which helps restore the water content to the cheese that was lost during storage. This makes the cheese softer and chewier. Not only that, milk also contains enzymes and lactic acid which can help break down the protein and fat in cheese. This process is similar to what happens when making cheese, where enzymes and lactic acid work to form the texture of the cheese. By soaking cheese in milk, these enzymes can help soften the protein and fat structure, making the cheese softer. In addition, milk has a soft and creamy taste that can be absorbed into the cheese. This not only helps soften the texture of the cheese but can also improve or balance the flavor of cheese that has changed or become too strong during storage.

