foto: Instagram/@rumah.yustin

Even without rubbing with baking soda, the resulting kitchen cloth looks as clean as new again.

  13 April 2024 17:30 - Kitchen towels that are used continuously become dirty easily and emit an unpleasant odor. If it's like this, the kitchen cloth certainly won't be able to be used optimally to clean dirty kitchen surfaces. Like it or not, you have to immediately wash kitchen towels that are already dirty and smelly.

Kitchen towels that have left stubborn stains cannot be cleaned with just detergent alone. Some people even deliberately wipe their kitchen towels with baking soda solution. Once clean, wash the new kitchen towel as usual.

But there's no need to worry if the stock of baking soda runs out at home, because there are other cleaning agents that can be used. This method was demonstrated by Instagram user @rumah.yustin. In his video upload, this netizen deliberately replaced baking soda with two other kitchen ingredients .

At the beginning of the video, he shows the appearance of his dirty kitchen towel. Because the base color is bright, the stains are even more clearly visible. In the video, you can see the kitchen towel looking dirty and dirty.

dirty yellow kitchen cloth  2024

photo: Instagram/@rumah.yustin

"I've washed and checked it and it still can't be clean," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @rumah.yustin on Saturday (13/4).

To clean it, he admitted that he had his own way. First, put enough water into the pan. Turn on the fire, then put detergent into it. Before stirring, he also added two kitchen ingredients, namely dishwashing soap and salt.

dirty yellow kitchen cloth  2024

photo: Instagram/@rumah.yustin

Stir until evenly mixed and wait until it boils. After boiling, put the dirty cloth into the pan. Press the kitchen towel with a spoon so that all parts are completely submerged in the cooking water.

"Boil the cloth for 5 minutes," said the video owner.

dirty yellow kitchen cloth  2024

photo: Instagram/@rumah.yustin

Turn off the stove heat when the kitchen towel has been boiled for 5 minutes. Don't lift it straight away, but first let the kitchen towel sit for 15-30 minutes. This process aims to ensure that the cleaning solution can work optimally.

dirty yellow kitchen cloth  2024

photo: Instagram/@rumah.yustin

If so, drain it and check the kitchen cloth. Finally, rinse the kitchen cloth with clean water. Make sure the entire surface is free from stubborn stains and remaining cleaning solution.

dirty yellow kitchen cloth  2024

photo: Instagram/@rumah.yustin

Even without rubbing with baking soda, the resulting kitchen cloth looks as clean as new again, right? Not only that, the unpleasant smell has also disappeared. The kitchen towel can be used straight away as usual.

How to store kitchen towels so they don't get damp and smelly

To store kitchen towels so they don't get damp and smelly, here are some steps you can follow.

1. Make sure the kitchen plate is dry before storing

Make sure that your kitchen towel is completely dry before you store it. If the cloth is still wet or damp, this can cause the growth of mold and bacteria.

2. Avoid storing in closed containers

While it may seem logical, storing kitchen towels in a closed container can cause moisture to become trapped inside. This can make the wipe damp and smelly. It is better if kitchen towels are stored in an open place or on a shelf that allows air circulation.

3. Hang to dry

If possible, hang kitchen towels in a place with good air circulation to help them dry quickly and reduce the risk of moisture.

4. Use odorless materials

Make sure your kitchen cloth is made from a material that does not absorb odors. Synthetic or microfiber materials are often better in this regard than cotton or wool fabrics.

5. Wash regularly.

Wash kitchen towels regularly, especially if they have been contaminated with food or liquids that can cause unpleasant odors. Use hot water and detergent for washing and make sure the cloth is completely dry before reusing or storing.

By following these steps, you can keep kitchen towels dry, clean and odor-free. This not only makes the wipes last longer but also keeps the kitchen clean overall.
