foto: TikTok/@_poniyy - A saucepan at home is very useful for cooking many things, from the simplest menus such as instant noodles to processed vegetables and soupy side dishes. Because it is used frequently, brownish burnt spots usually appear on the bottom or bottom of the pan . Stains on the bottom of this pan tend to be difficult to clean if you just use water and soap as usual.
As a result, many people try to soak it in a cleaning mixture, even overnight so that the stain can be removed. However, this trick for soaking the bottom of the pan is often considered complicated for some people, especially if they have a lot of other activities at home.
So, to make it more practical, just try a trick from the TikTok account user @_poniyy, come on. This woman explained that this trick to get rid of burnt brown stains on the bottom of the pan only requires one simple ingredient that everyone has at home.
Are you curious about the trick?
How to clean burnt stains on the bottom of a pan.
The first thing you have to prepare is toothpaste. Yup, toothpaste is the main ingredient for practicing the trick to eradicate brown burnt stains on the bottom of this pan, you know. Spread the entire bottom of the pan with toothpaste evenly.
"Apply the toothpaste evenly, then leave it for a moment," added the owner of the TikTok account @_poniyy, quoted by BrilioFood on Friday (10/5).
After leaving it for a while until the toothpaste soaks into the bottom of the pan, then rub it using wire wool. However, first make sure the bottom of your pan is made of iron, stainless steel or aluminum which is not easily scratched. In contrast, if the bottom of your pan is easily scratched, you should not use wire wool, but just a dishwashing sponge.
photo: TikTok/@_poniyy
Keep rubbing the bottom of the pan until all the brownish burnt spots are gone. Next, just wipe the bottom of the pan with a clean cloth or napkin until all the toothpaste is gone.
photo: TikTok/@_poniyy
Wow, even without soaking, this trick for cleaning burnt stains on the bottom of the pan is really effective, right? Taking a peek at @_poniyy's TikTok upload, although there haven't been many comments from other netizens, this video has been watched more than 1,000 times, you know.
How to keep the bottom of the pan from burning quickly.
So that the bottom of the pan doesn't burn quickly when cooking, here are some tips that you can apply.
1. Use a pan with the right material.
Pans made from quality materials such as good quality stainless steel or aluminum usually have better resistance to heat and prevent burning more quickly.
2. Choose a pan that doesn't expand too quickly.
A thick-bottomed pan will help distribute the heat evenly and prevent the center of the pan from getting too hot and causing the food to burn quickly.
3. Proper heat settings.
Don't let the heat get too high when cooking. Make sure to adjust the heat according to your cooking needs. Too hot can cause food to burn quickly.
4. Use oil carefully.
If you use oil for cooking, make sure you use enough to prevent food from sticking to the surface of the pan and burning.
5. Pay attention when cooking.
It is important to pay attention to the food you cook and stir it regularly. This will help prevent the food from burning.
6. Use a pot lid.
When cooking, use a lid if possible. A pot lid will help retain moisture and heat, preventing food from burning too quickly.
By applying the tips above, you can help prevent the bottom of the pan from burning quickly when cooking.