foto: TikTok/@saepudin5254

This crack certainly disturbs the eyesight.

  15 Mei 2024 11:00 - As time goes by, the speedometer glass will appear dull. Apart from being exposed to dust and dirt, this part of the motorbike is also often exposed to sunlight and rainwater. This is what causes crack marks to appear on the motorbike speedometer glass.

If you leave it like that, there will be more and more cracks. This certainly disturbs the eye view. Moreover, the speed and fuel indicators are in the motorbike speedometer section.

Knowing this, a number of people use various methods to remove cracked stains on the speedometer glass. One method that is often used is to rub the motorbike speedometer glass with oil. After rubbing it for a while, the motorbike speedometer glass returned to shine like new again.

But there's no need to buy it if you don't have oil stock at home. Because it turns out there are other cleaning agents that are no less effective at removing cracked stains on motorbike speedometer glass. The method was demonstrated by TikTok user @saepudin5254. At the beginning of the video, he shows the appearance of his motorbike's speedometer glass which appears to be covered in cracks on the top.

Motorcycle speedometer glass using oil and shampoo  2024

photo: TikTok/@saepudin5254

How to remove cracked stains from motorbike speedometer glass.

Instead of rubbing it with oil, this netizen just mixed shampoo with one kitchen ingredient. Reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @saepudin5254 on Tuesday (14/5), one kitchen ingredient in question is cooking oil.

To do this, mix enough cooking oil with one sachet of shampoo in a bottle. Without needing to add any more water, just shake until all the ingredients are completely mixed.

Motorcycle speedometer glass using oil and shampoo  2024

photo: TikTok/@saepudin5254

If so, pour the cleaning solution that has been made onto the surface of the motorbike speedometer glass. Evenly distribute the cleaning solution using an old toothbrush.

"We rub it then we leave it for 15 minutes," said the owner of the video.

Motorcycle speedometer glass using oil and shampoo  2024

photo: TikTok/@saepudin5254

After letting it sit for 15 minutes, the cleaning solution will dry. Then wipe the surface of the motorbike speedometer glass using a dry cloth. In one swipe, the motorbike's speedometer glass immediately shines again.

"The result is clean, like new again," he said.

Motorcycle speedometer glass using oil and shampoo  2024

photo: TikTok/@saepudin5254

How to clean dirty and crusty cooking oil.

Cleaning dirty and crusty cooking oil can be done using several fairly simple methods. Here are some ways you can try:

1. Using potatoes:
- Cut the potatoes into several pieces.
- Heat dirty cooking oil until warm (no need to boil).
- Put the potato pieces into the oil.
- Leave the potatoes in the oil for a few minutes, stirring gently.
- Potatoes will absorb dirty particles and help clear oil.
- Remove the potatoes and strain the oil with a fine sieve or clean cloth.

2. Using charcoal:
- Crush the charcoal into small pieces or powder.
- Heat dirty cooking oil until warm.
- Put charcoal into the oil.
- Leave the charcoal in the oil for 15-20 minutes, stirring gently.
- Charcoal will absorb odors and dirty particles from oil.
- Filter the oil with a fine sieve or clean cloth.

3. Using egg whites:
- Beat the egg whites until foamy.
- Heat dirty cooking oil until warm.
- Add the beaten egg whites to the oil.
- Let the oil and egg white sit for a few minutes while stirring gently.
- Egg whites will bind dirty particles and float on the surface of the oil.
- Filter the oil with a fine sieve or clean cloth.

4. Using wheat flour or cornstarch:
- Mix a few tablespoons of wheat flour or cornstarch with a little water to form a paste.
- Heat dirty cooking oil until warm.
- Put the flour paste into the oil.
- Stir the oil slowly until the flour paste binds the dirty particles.
- Let the paste settle to the bottom of the pan or pan.
- Filter the oil with a fine sieve or clean cloth.

5. Using rice:
- Prepare a handful of cooked rice.
- Heat dirty cooking oil until warm.
- Put the rice into the oil.
- Leave the rice in the oil for a few minutes, stirring gently.
- Rice will absorb dirty particles from the oil.
- Remove the rice and strain the oil with a fine sieve or clean cloth.

After using one of the methods above, your cooking oil will be cleaner and ready to be used again. However, it is still recommended not to use cooking oil for too long and to replace it regularly to maintain the quality and health of the food being processed.
