foto: Instagram/@cleaning_vibes_homes

As a result, the entire bathroom looks shiny like a new building.

  21 Juni 2024 11:00 - In this era, many people choose ceramics for bathroom floors and walls to add a luxurious impression. Apart from looking aesthetic, using ceramic is also considered easier to clean. When it feels slippery and yellow, just rub the ceramic surface with a cleaning solution to make it shine again.

But if you want maximum cleanliness, you can scrub the bathroom ceramics with a citrus solution. Reporting from, the acid content of citrus is relatively high, so it can be used to remove all types of stubborn stains.

But there's no need to worry if the stock of citrus is running out at home, because there are other cleaning agents that can be used to clean limescale on bathroom ceramics. The method was demonstrated by Instagram user @cleaning_vibes_homes. In his video upload, this netizen has a special cleaning concoction that he made from cleaning ingredients at home.

yellowish bathroom crust  2024

photo: Instagram/@cleaning_vibes_homes

At the beginning of the video, he shows the appearance of bathroom ceramics covered in yellowish crust. Even the ceramics on the walls look dirty. To clean it, first mix a cleaning solution. Mix liquid detergent with water. Before stirring, he also seemed to add one kitchen ingredient , namely vinegar.

yellowish bathroom crust  2024

photo: Instagram/@cleaning_vibes_homes

"Rati of water and vinegar will be 1:1 (1 to 1 for water and vinegar)," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @cleaning_vibes_homes on Friday (21/6).

yellowish bathroom crust  2024

photo: Instagram/@cleaning_vibes_homes

Once done, pour the cleaning solution onto the ceramic surface. Smooth and scrub the surface of the bathroom ceramics using a brush. Without expending extra effort, the yellowish crust on the ceramic immediately disappears, leaving nothing behind.

yellowish bathroom crust  2024

photo: Instagram/@cleaning_vibes_homes

This cleaning solution can also be used to clean other bathroom equipment such as water taps, sinks, and scoops. If it has been rubbed, then rinse with clean water. As a result, the entire bathroom shines like new.
