foto: YouTube/Mama Bia Channel

An easy way to practice yourself at home.

  28 Mei 2024 23:00 - Scissors are one of the frequently used kitchen tools. Not only cutting packaging wrappers, some people also use scissors to divide cooking ingredients.

As they are used, the blades on the scissors run the risk of becoming dull. Reporting from, this is caused by rust stains on the surface of the blade. If this is the case, the scissors cannot be used optimally.

To sharpen scissors, some people rub them directly on the surface of sandpaper. After rubbing for a while, the blades on the scissors became sharp again. Just wash it clean, then the scissors can be used as usual.

But there's no need to worry if you don't have a stock of sandpaper at home, because there are other materials that can be used. A YouTube user Mama Bia Channel showed how in one of her video uploads. This netizen appears to have replaced sandpaper with a type of kitchen waste. Curious about how?

How to sharpen blunt scissors.

At the beginning of the video, he shows that his scissors are dull so that when they are used to cut cardboard, he needs extra strength.

how to sharpen blunt scissors without sandpaper  2024

photo: YouTube/Mama Bia Channel

To sharpen it, this netizen doesn't need sandpaper at all. Instead, he relies on one type of kitchen waste, namely egg shells. No need to wash it first, just use egg shells to sharpen the scissor blades.

"We just cut the egg shell until it breaks like this," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from the YouTube Mama Bia Channel on Tuesday (28/5).

how to sharpen blunt scissors without sandpaper  2024

photo: YouTube/Mama Bia Channel

The texture and shape of the sharp tip of the egg shell are thought to sharpen scissor blades. As a result, after cutting it several times, the blade returned to being as sharp as when it was first purchased. This was proven when he cut cardboard.

how to sharpen blunt scissors without sandpaper  2024

photo: YouTube/Mama Bia Channel

Several factors cause scissors to become dull.

Dull scissors can be caused by several factors. The following are these factors:

1. Cut material.

Cutting hard or rough materials such as thick paper, thick fabric, or other materials that are difficult to cut can make the scissors become dull more quickly.

2. Contamination.

If scissors are used to cut sticky or tacky materials such as glue or adhesive tape, the contamination can stick to the scissor blades and dull them.

3. Excessive use.

Excessive use of scissors without care can cause blunt scissor blades. This especially happens if the scissors are used on inappropriate materials or if the scissors are used in the wrong way.

4. Storage conditions.

Improper storage of scissors can damage the blades. For example, storing scissors in a damp place or in contact with materials that can cause corrosion.

5. Improper maintenance.

Not taking proper care of scissors can also cause dullness of the blades. Scissor blades need to be sharpened periodically to maintain their cutting sharpness.

Keeping scissors sharp involves several steps, including cleaning the scissors regularly, avoiding using the scissors on unsuitable materials, and regularly sharpening the scissor blades.
