
Sometimes even though camphor has been given, the smell of urine can still be smelled.

  17 April 2024 11:00

Brilio.net - The bathroom is one of the dampest areas of the house because it is often exposed to water. Apart from that, the bathroom is also used for urination and defecation, so sometimes there is an unpleasant odor that often appears in the bathroom. This smell is usually caused when you urinate , the toilet and drain hole are not rinsed until they are completely clean.

If not treated immediately, the smell will become more pungent and difficult to remove. The smell of urine in the bathroom can make guests who come to your house feel uncomfortable, you know. Therefore, some people put camphor to get rid of the smell of urine in the bathroom.

But unfortunately, this method is not always effective in eliminating the smell of urine in the bathroom. Sometimes even though camphor has been given, the smell of urine can still be smelled. But don't worry, there are still other ways you can try to get rid of the urine smell.

A young mother demonstrated the method via the TikTok account @casanaf__. He admitted that he only relied on two kitchen ingredients to get rid of the smell of urine in the bathroom, you know.

This young mother's way of getting rid of the smell of urine in the bathroom uses 2 kitchen ingredients.

After investigating, the kitchen ingredients in question are baking soda and vinegar. Apart from that, he also added hot water to remove the strong smell of urine.

This young mother's way of getting rid of the smell of urine in the bathroom uses 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: TikTok/@casanaf__

Reported by BrilioFood from the TikTok account @casanaf__ on Wednesday (17/4), open the drain hole in the bathroom. Then pour 1/2 cup of baking soda onto the floor and inside the drain hole. If so, add 1/2 bottle of vinegar. The mixture of the two ingredients produces bubbles. If so, leave it for 10-20 seconds.

This young mother's way of getting rid of the smell of urine in the bathroom uses 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: TikTok/@casanaf__

After leaving it for 10-20 seconds, flush the drain hole evenly with hot water. According to the TikTok user, this method can also be used to deal with clogged bathroom drains.

After being given cleaning agent and pouring hot water on it, the smell of urine was no longer there. That way, the bathroom can be used again.


Does anyone have a problem with smells in the bathroom?

Aji has - A

Causes of the smell of urine in the bathroom.

The smell of urine in the bathroom can be caused by several things, including.

1. High humidity.

A bathroom that is damp and does not have good ventilation can cause the growth of mold and bacteria which produces a urine odor.

2. Blocked drain.

Clogged or irregular drains can cause water to pool on the bathroom floor, which can become a breeding ground for bacteria and mold that produce unpleasant odors.

3. Unclean ceramics or furniture.

Ceramics, showers, bathtubs, or bathroom furniture that is not cleaned regularly can become a breeding ground for bacteria and mold that produce odors.

4. Pipe leaks.

Plumbing leaks in or near the bathroom can cause standing water that not only becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, but can also damage surrounding materials, which can also produce odors.

5. Lack of ventilation.

A bathroom that doesn't have good ventilation can't let fresh air flow into it, so moisture and unpleasant odors can get trapped inside.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.