YouTube/Amazing Bunda Fitri

Factors such as high humidity, poor air circulation, and lack of hygiene can worsen the condition.

  3 April 2024 15:00 - Toilets that are used continuously often become dirty and unsightly. Considering that toilets are usually designed with bright colors, of course even the slightest stain will be clearly visible. In fact, not infrequently, these stains turn into black crusts which make the user feel disgusted.

Black crust on the toilet is generally caused by the growth of fungus and bacteria . These fungi and bacteria grow in damp environments and are less exposed to sunlight. Factors such as high humidity, poor air circulation and lack of hygiene can worsen the condition. In addition, the habit of using excessive chemicals or unsuitable cleaning products can also cause the growth of black crust, which is difficult to remove.

It does take special materials and methods to clean a black crusty toilet. Usually a number of people will mix toilet cleaning agents with a mixture of dish washing soap. After all, dishwashing soap can make the crust easier to clean.

However, apart from using dish soap, there are actually other ingredients that are more effective at removing black crust, you know. This material was shared by YouTube user Amazing Bunda Fitri through one of the uploaded videos. He admitted that he only used simple ingredients in the kitchen.

Tricks for cleaning black crust in the toilet using 2 additional kitchen ingredients.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Amazing Bunda Fitri on Wednesday (3/4), the kitchen ingredients in question are baking soda and vinegar. But apart from that, there are also other ingredients used, namely citrus and toothpaste. So, a number of these ingredients will later be mixed to produce a cleaning fluid that can remove black crust in the toilet as much as possible.

tricks for cleaning black crust in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Amazing Bunda Fitri

To use it, simply mix enough toothpaste, lemon and vinegar in one container. After that, mix all the ingredients with the help of a brush. If it is mixed well, add a little hot water to dissolve all the ingredients. Then stir again.

"For the process of cleaning stubborn dirt, using hot water is very effective in helping," said YouTube Amazing Bunda Fitri.

tricks for cleaning black crust in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Amazing Bunda Fitri

So, this cleaning fluid that has been added with water is ready to be used. However, before applying, sprinkle the toilet evenly with baking soda first. If so, let it sit for at least 15 minutes to 1 hour (the longer the better).

After that, apply the cleaning fluid to all parts of the toilet. To make it easier to blend, you can use a brush, OK? For maximum results, let it sit for 15 minutes to 1 hour.

tricks for cleaning black crust in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Amazing Bunda Fitri

Next, scrub the toilet using a brush or sandpaper. If the crust is very thick, sandpaper is more effective at removing the crust in the toilet. So, at this stage, you should use protection such as a mask and gloves to avoid exposure to chemicals that can irritate the skin.

tricks for cleaning black crust in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Amazing Bunda Fitri

If it has been scrubbed and brushed, immediately rinse the toilet with running water. That way, the toilet looks cleaner and whiter, you know. Even the black crust that previously filled the toilet seat has completely disappeared. This indicates that the mixture of ingredients is very effective in cleaning black crust in the toilet.

Benefits of vinegar for beauty.

Vinegar (or apple cider vinegar) can have several benefits for beautiful skin and hair. Here are some of the benefits you can get when using it.

1. Refreshes the skin.

Vinegar can help freshen facial skin and remove dead skin cells, giving skin a brighter and radiant appearance.

2. Disguise blemishes and acne scars.

The acid content of vinegar can help disguise blemishes and acne scars on the skin.

3. Reduce excess oil.

Vinegar can help control excess oil production on facial skin, helping to reduce the possibility of acne.

4. Refresh hair.

Vinegar can be used as a natural conditioner to freshen hair and increase its natural shine.

5. Overcoming dandruff.

The antifungal properties of vinegar can help treat dandruff and keep your scalp healthy.

6. Reduces foot odor.

Vinegar can be used as a foot soak to help reduce unpleasant foot odor.

7. Healthy nails.

Soaking nails in a mixture of water and vinegar can help strengthen nails and prevent the development of fungal infections.

8. Overcoming dry skin.

Vinegar can help hydrate dry skin and reduce itching caused by dry skin.

9. Reduces wrinkles.

The acid content of vinegar can help tighten the skin, so it can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.