
At the age of 25, Melvina Husyanti managed to become crazy rich in Palembang thanks to her skincare

  13 April 2024 12:00 - A house is a valuable asset that many people dream of. This is no exception for Melvina Husyanti, a celebrity and skincare boss who managed to achieve her dream home at a relatively young age. Yes, at the age of 25, he managed to become rich and was nicknamed crazy rich in Palembang thanks to his efforts in the skincare sector.

Long before she was rich, Melvina Husyanti came from a simple family. Where the mother worked as a rubber cutter, while the father ran a sales business in a wooden hut owned by his friend. Seeing that his family's condition was increasingly squeezed, he decided to migrate from Jambi to Palembang.

Armed with Rp. 250 thousand, he migrated to other people's land to get work. Whatever he did, including selling ginger cream, his salary at that time was IDR 1.5 million. Not long after, he got married and decided to earn additional income by selling unbranded skincare. Then from that initial business, it continued to grow until she had her own brand, namely Deviena Skincare.

As if enjoying her current successful life, Melvina does not hesitate to show off the luxury she has. Including luxurious residential conditions covering an area of 1,000 square meters. Not only is it spacious, the house is also equipped with luxurious furniture. Likewise with the appearance of the bathroom in his private room.

Owner Daviena's bathroom is not very spacious, although there are complete facilities with an eye-catching bathtub. It even amazed the celebgram Fuji who at that time visited his house. Are you curious about what the portrait looks like?

Come on, take a peek at 9 bathroom portraits of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti, there is a bathtub in the form of love that is rarely used, summarized by from various sources, Wednesday (4/4).

1. Successfully owning a house at the age of 25, this is what the front of skincare boss Deviena Husyanti's luxurious residence looks like.

Bathroom portrait of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti  2024

photo: YouTube/Fuji an

2. The residence is not only the main house but also functions as an office in several areas. Meanwhile, to get to the bathroom area in the private room you have to wait on the 2nd floor, this is what the stairs area looks like when you get to your room.

Bathroom portrait of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti  2024

photo: YouTube/Fuji an

3. Well, the private bathroom is in Melvina and her husband's bedroom area. There are several areas here, namely a balcony, live area, walk-in closet and bathroom.

Bathroom portrait of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti  2024

photo: YouTube/Fuji an

4. When you enter the room you don't immediately encounter the bathroom area. However, you have to pass through the walk-in closet area, which is where clothes, luxury bags, shoes and other valuables are collected.

Bathroom portrait of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti  2024

photo: YouTube/Fuji an

5. So, this is the door area leading to the bathroom in the main bedroom of Melvina Husyanti's house. Like other areas, the door is dominated by white, like an American style residence.

Bathroom portrait of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti  2024

photo: YouTube/Fuji an

6. Opening the bathroom door is quite difficult, because Melvina deliberately installed supports on each door so that when closing the door it doesn't make a noise. At the same time keeping the door leaf durable.

Bathroom portrait of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti  2024

photo: YouTube/Fuji an

7. This is the initial appearance when Melvina Husyanti entered the bathroom. Even though it is not very spacious, the bathroom is all marble, equipped with a sink, shower and toilet.

Bathroom portrait of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti  2024

photo: YouTube/Fuji an

8. Look at the luxurious sink like a star hotel covered in marble. Don't forget that there is a mirror that extends along the sink table. There is a collection of skincare and toiletries from the skincare boss.

Bathroom portrait of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti  2024

photo: YouTube/Fuji an

9. Don't forget, there is also a bath up form of love that other people rarely have. He admits that he rarely uses this bathtub. "Believe me, the bathtub is just an image, it is never used," said owner Daviena to Fuji when he visited his house some time ago. You could say, the bathroom alone will amaze you.

Bathroom portrait of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti  2024

photo: YouTube/Fuji an
